"Be careful to not dampen innovation by excluding support that which is not accredited". John Mason

This is and interesting post I saw from a colleague in the UK today:


Endorsement of an institution by accreditors focused on minimum standards is no guarantee of its survival.

It is success at the box office that dictates viability, recognition and continuation.

Accreditation is only useful to those institutions seeking it as a prop for herd mentality and back rubbing.

Education should welcome mavericks outside the parameters of traditional education.

Those who trust their beliefs and insights and who are not seduced by wannabe intellectuals and traditionalists.

True Educators take risks to achieve their objectives. They are pioneers of a Copernican revolution in global education.

They are in a league of their own and play a different game.

The modus vivendi of accreditation is about maintaining the system.

Dr B D Tempest-Mogg 02.06.2020

President, Warnborough College; president@warnborough.edu

Comment from John Mason: 

"This articulates the concerns I've had since spending 10 years in the accreditation system from 92 to 2003. I'm not saying there is no value in RTO's,  TAFE's and Universities, but accreditation has a down side as well as an up side; and you must be diligent to prevent an accredited education system from degrading - and over the recent decades that diligence has just not been there.

At the same time we must be careful to not dampen innovation by excluding support that which is not accredited".

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