What Do You Want from Education?

Check before enrolling, as not all Colleges, Schools or Universities offer everything. Are these services an extra cost, or included in the course fees?

  •     Access to teaching staff, personal or not, limited or unlimited.
  •     Study guides, books, notes etc. (quantity, originality, quality).
  •     Assessments (assignments, exams).
  •     Online student room.
  •     Library and bookshop facilities.
  •     Careers and employment assistance.
  •     Flexibility: How easy is it to defer, change your rate of study, swap courses?

We aim to provide better services in all of these areas. Talk to us to find out more.

The Changing Nature of Education

Increasing globalisation, technology and socio-economic changes are rapidly changing the face of education. The traditional "chalk and talk" method of teaching is giving way to a wide variety of learning styles and modes. Education providers must have a highly adaptable, flexible approach to training if they are to cater for their students needs.

ACS is leading the way in providing training that is relevant to the 21st century, while providing the high level of service that is being increasingly demanded by students.

ACS is different to other institutions in many ways:

  • We consider the learning to be more important than anything else. Accreditation, assessment, marketing etc. are allocated a much lower percentage of our budget than is common with many other institutions, and that means you get more learning for your fees.
  • We are proactive and selective about how we use new technologies, but we still consider personal contact and mentoring from a tutor to be irreplaceable. Nothing beats a real person!

Need Help?

Take advantage of our personalised, expert course counselling service to ensure you're making the best course choices for your situation.