
Course CodeVBS105
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.


There are many, many management positions available across lots of different organisations and industries. Therefore being a manager is not necessarily an uncommon occurrence. However, being a good manager is less common, and this is what makes individuals stand out from one another. 

If you are looking to:

  • Understand the role of a manager within business
  • Create your own management objectives
  • Reflect on the different ways of managing to find a style which suits you
  • Develop confidence in managing others
  • Progress from supervision to management
  • How teams and individuals can be managed effectively

then this course is a great starting point, to act as a solid foundation for you to learn or enhance management skills.

This is suitable for:

  • Existing managers wanting to build on existing skills
  • Supervisors wanting to progress to management positions
  • Business owners
  • Those working in any industry or sector

Come and find out how to be the best manager you can be!

Lesson Structure

There are 7 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction and Organisational Structures
    • Types of Organisations
    • Legal Status
    • Liability for Staff Actions
    • Basic Contract Law
    • Role of a Manager
    • Management Objectives
    • Management Processes
    • Mission Statements
    • Types of Managers
    • Levels of Management
    • Organisational Structures; formal and informal
    • Division of Responsibilities
    • Understanding the Workplace
    • Unions
    • Committees
    • Scope of Office Work
    • Report Writing
  2. Management Theories and Procedures
    • Motivating Employees
    • Classic School of Management Theory
    • Behavioural School of Management Theory
    • Management Science School of Management Theory
    • Other Management Theorists and their Ideas; Weber, Barnard, Follett, Maslow, Herzberg
    • Contingency Planning
    • Introducing Change
    • Giving Orders
    • Types of Orders
  3. Problem Solving and Decision Making
    • Decision Making
    • Problem Solving Technique
    • Types of Managers
    • Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • Conflict Resolution Techniques
    • The Planning Process
    • Implementing a Plan
    • Time Management
    • Planning for Your Organisation
    • The Importance of Planning
    • Developing a Business Plan
    • Lateral Thinking
  4. Management Styles and External Influences
    • Management Styles
    • Target Oriented Management
    • Process Oriented Management
    • Interactive Oriented Management
    • Management as Leaders
    • Perception
    • Perceptual Barriers
    • Perceptual Change
    • Motivating Employees to Change their Perception
    • Other Factors affecting Managers Effectiveness; Stress, Self Esteem, Career Management, Security etc
  5. Employing People and Interview Skills
    • Advertising for New Staff
    • Anti Discrimination
    • Interviewing
    • Communication at an Interview
    • Common Communication Barriers
    • Induction
    • Staff Training
    • Training Programs
    • Conversation with Trainees
  6. Staff Management
    • Scope and Nature
    • Learn to Plan
    • Steps for Successful Goal Achievement
    • Managing Staff Levels
    • Importance of Clear Procedures
    • Writing Procedures
    • Quality Assurance
    • Job Satisfaction
    • Professional Supervision
    • Mentoring
    • Dealing with Grievances
    • Productivity
    • Workplace Health and Safety
  7. Ethics and Equity
    • Code of Conduct
    • Interpreting Code of Conduct
    • Refund Policy
    • Honesty and Fairness
    • Respect
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Privacy


  • Understand the role of managers in an organization and the kinds of organizations in which they function.
  • Identify the processes and procedures that are associated with the effective management of staff in the workplace.
  • Describe the use of motivation in the workplace and the effects this can have on staff performance.
  • Describe how to recruit and interview a new staff member for a specific job in an organisation.
  • Discuss workgroup project preparation, costing, performance analysis and goal completion from a managerial perspective.
  • Describe the principles of Occupational Health and Safety policies, and their application in the learner's proposed industry sector.

What You Will Do

  • Describe a range of different management structures used in different organisations and why they suit that organisation.
  • Compare the use of differing management styles in a variety of businesses.
  • Define common management terms.
  • Identify the primary role of the different levels of management in an organisation.
  • Discuss the relationships that exist between managers, company employees and board members in both small and large corporations.
  • Discuss the importance of trust and confidence in an organisation and its staff, and why are managers so crucial to this process.
  • Discuss the use of motivation in attaining goals and improving work performance.
  • Describe the most common motivating factors for employees.
  • Compare and contrast different methods of motivation.
  • Describe when and why different motivation techniques should be used in a workplace situation.
  • Explain what is meant by a chain of command and how it is affected by communication style.
  • Explain how to assess the need for a new employee.
  • Write a position profile for a specific job.
  • Analyse employment advertisements in the local paper and list their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Explain what information can be determined from a application and a resume.
  • Write an interview guide and conduct a mock job interview.
  • Discuss the anti-discrimination/equal opportunity laws in your state.
  • List what information should be sought in a telephone reference check.
  • Describe what is involved in the induction of a new employee.
  • Explain the concept of workgroups in the workplace, and the advantages and disadvantages of their use to achieving company goals.
  • Prepare a mock workgroup project incorporating examples of efficient use of an enterprise’s financial, plant/equipment and personnel resources.
  • Discuss communication issues that might affect the effectiveness of a workgroup project.
  • Discuss ways in which membership diversity can benefit workgroup performance.
  • Discuss the criteria and considerations to be made when forming a workgroup.
  • Develop guidelines for assessing workgroup performance.
  • Prepare a timeline that might apply to a workplace project to be carried out within a specified business.
  • Summarise the major points of the learner's state workplace health and safety legislation.
  • Define health and safety responsibilities of the employer in the learner's state.
  • List steps to take to ensure a business meets health and safety requirements in the learner's state.
  • Discuss procedures to be taken when handling dangerous goods in the learner's state.
  • Explain the proper procedure for manual lifting of goods.
  • Discuss possible safety dangers in a business office.

What Is Management?

The task of management has five interlinked functions:

  1. Planning – setting objectives and goals, and deciding how they are to be achieved
  2. Organising – allocating and organising both personnel and physical resources to meet those objectives
  3. Directing – giving workers clear directives
  4. Controlling – overseeing, checking and ensuring the objectives are being met
  5. Staffing – managing personnel

A competent manager is able to meet the organisation’s objectives by:

  1. Communicating with other members of the organisation to ensure individuals are working towards a common goal.
  2. Motivating so that all members of the work group are working in a productive manner.
  3. Planning so that disruptions are kept to a minimum.
  4. Delegating to allow managers to spend more time on managerial functions and to improve the job skills and job satisfaction of the workers.
  5. Keeping up to date with technical developments.
  6. Obeying organisational directives. The manager is expected to work for the good of the company; in some cases this may conflict with their group’s immediate goals.
  7. Leadership. The manager should be able to bring unity and direction to the group.

There are many skills required to achieve these objectives. Some of these include:

  • having good technical skills
  • having good planning and conceptual skills
  • having good communication skills
  • being committed to getting the job done
  • being able to work under pressure
  • being consistent yet flexible
  • having integrity and honesty
  • recognising limitations – both their own and others
  • be willing to exercise initiative
  • be willing to allow participation and involvement by other members in the group

In addition to seven assignments (at the conclusion of each lesson); you are also required to prepare a management report on a different enterprise for each lesson. These reports provide an opportunity to network with, and investigate the industry you work or hope to work in. The reports are well constructed and designed to be achievable by students in any place or circumstance. Each report will consider things such as the scope of work, number of employees, organisation structure, scope of financial activity, viability, etc. You are not expected to be able to always find all the information that might be desirable; but rather to systematically investigate an organisation as best you can within a limited time frame; and then evaluate that organisation's management with the limited information available.


There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:

  • The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place, improving productivity, morale etc
  • Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
  • Knowledge of these key areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
  • Having the knowledge of different management techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
  • Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
  • When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!

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