Human Resource Managers are the backbone of most large Organisations.
A good human resource manager can increase productivity and profitability for a business, and make life happier as well as more productive for both employees and employers.
A formal qualification is not necessarily needed to be a successful HR manager; but the skills that come from a comprehensive and extensive training course such as this are critical to not only getting a HR job; but also keeping it.
There are fifteen modules in this course, as follows: management, supervision, personnel management, motivation, introduction to psychology, psychology and counselling, industrial psychology, conflict management, instructional skills, educational psychology, project management, workplace health & safety, health & wellbeing, research project I and industry meetings I.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

Please click on the course title for information on each individual module.
- Introduction & Organizational Structures
- Management Theories & Procedures
- Problem Solving & Decision Making
- Management Styles & External Influences
- Employing People & Interview Skills
- Staff Management
There are 10 lessons as follows:
- Introduction - Organisational structures & responsibilities.
- Understanding the work place - Government and private personnel departments, unions.
- Communications and human relations.
- Motivating employees.
- Organising the work place.
- Problem solving techniques.
- Discipline, complaints and grievances.
- Interviewing, recruitment, training.
- Work place safety.
- Dealing with management/worker participation/ report writing/ staff meetings.
This course contains eight lessons, as follows:
- Introduction Describe the nature and scope of motivation, and identify the differences between people that distinguish the application of motivational skills to achieve a successful outcome
- Awareness Explain the significance of knowledge and understanding to motivation.
- Tangible Rewards Explain the effect of Tangible Rewards (eg: Money, Services, Goods) as a major motivator.
- Intangible Rewards Explain the effect of intangible Rewards (eg: Security, Ethics, Gratitude, Belief Systems/Religion, Peer Pressure) as a major motivator.
- Negative Motivators Explain how actions can be motivated by negative motivators (eg. Pain, Suffering, Discipline, Threats), and distinguish this type of motivation from that achieved through positive motivators.
- Initiating Motivation Explain how to initiate motivation with an individual or group for a situation not previously confronted.
- Maintaining Motivation Explain how motivation can be maintained or increased in both successful and unsuccessful environments.
- Applications Identify a wide range of situations where motivational skills can be applied, and determine an appropriate way to initiate and maintain motivation in each of those situations.
Personnel Management
There are 10 lessons as follows:
- Human behaviour
- Workplace Communications
- Workplace Conditions
- Controlling Operations
- Recruitment and Induction
- Staff Training
- Work Teams
- Positive Discipline
- Grievances and Complaints
- Monitoring and Reporting
Introduction to Psychology
There are seven lessons in this course, as follows:
- The Nature & Scope of Psychology
- Neurological Basis of Behaviour
- Environmental Effects on Behaviour
- Consciousness And Perception
- Personality
- Psychological Development
- Needs, Drives And Motivation
Psychology and Counselling
There are seven lessons in this course, as follows:
- Stress
- Abnormal Behaviour
- Individual Behaviour
- Group Behaviour
- Methods of Dealing with Abnormalities
- Conflict Resolution
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
Industrial Psychology
There are ten lessons in this course, as follows:
- Introduction Free Will versus Determinism, Developmental and Interactive Expressions of Behaviour, NATURE versus NURTURE, Influence of Environment on Learning Behaviour, Modelling and Conformity, Conditioning involves Certain Environmental Factors which Encourage Learning to Take Place, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement & Punishment
- Understanding the Employees Thinking Sensation and perception, thinking and day dreaming, the Gestalt approach, unconscious and conscious psychic elements. explaining behaviour, knowledge of brain processes, personal interpretation of a given situation, instinct. Terminology including: Mating, Curiosity, Maternal, Acquiring, Repulsion, Constructiveness, Rivalry, Laughter, Fighting, Walking, Swallowing, Play, Imitation, Sleep, Modesty, Domineering, Religion, Self Asserting, Sneezing, Thirst, Cleanliness, Workmanship, Parenting, Food seeking, Flight, Collecting, Sympathy.
- Personality & Temperament Mature & immature temperaments (eg. Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic), emotional types, fear, intelligence, knowledge, deviation, etc
- Psychological Testing The Application Form; Psychological Test; The Interview; Intelligence Tests; Laws of Learning; Devising Tests; Selecting Appropriate Tests.
- Management & Managers Qualities of Managers, Understanding morale, discipline, training, etc
- The Work Environment Noise, Space, Light, Temperature, Speed of Work, etc. Accidents, Breakages, Fatigue etc.
- Motivation and Incentives Maslow's model of self actualisation, Security, Money, Ambition, Companionship, Social reinforcement, Labour wastage, etc
- Recruitment Ways of seeking applicants, types of interview, ways of selecting staff.
- Social Considerations Group Behaviour, Conformity, Industrial Groups, The Hawthorne Effect
- Abnormalities and Disorders Psychosis Neurosis Personality Disorders, Variance, Partial Disability (eg. arm.leg injuries; epilepsy, digestive disorders etc), The Psycho Neurotic
Conflict Management
There are eight lessons in this course, as follows:
- Conflict Management and Anger
- Listening
- Negotiation
- Mediation
- Facilitation
- Balance of Power
- Discussion and Group Work
- Crisis Analysis and Responses
Instructional Skills
There are 11 lessons as follows:
- Introduction to Training – Communication
- Understanding Learning
- Determining Training Requirements in The Workplace
- Commencing Training
- Developing a Lesson Plan
- Assessment and Evaluation of Training Programs
- Training Aids
- One-To-One Training
- Motivation Skills and Techniques
- Promoting Training
- Assessor Training
Educational Psychology
There are seven lessons in this course. The following outline depicts some (not all) of the topics covered in each lesson.
- Introduction: Development & Learning Theory Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development; Schemes; Assimilation and Accommodation; Equilibration; Piaget's Stages of Development.
- Behavioural Learning The Evolution of Behavioural Theories of Learning; Thorndike's Theory of the Law of Effect; Skinner's Theory of Operant Conditioning; Principles of Behavioural Learning; Reinforcers; Positive and Negative Reinforcement; The Premack Principle
- Information Processing Information Processing Theory; A Model of Information Processing; Perception; Gestalt Psychology; Attention; Short-Term Memory; Long-Term Memory; Division of Long-Term Memory
- Memory Retention & Loss Remembering and Forgetting; Interference; Inhibition and Facilitation ; Primacy and Recency; Learning Strategies
- Individual Needs Effective Instruction;The QAIT Model; Quality of Instruction; Appropriate Levels of Instruction; Incentive;Time; Between-Class Ability Grouping; Within Class Ability Grouping; Effective Use of Ability Groups; Mastery Learning; Outcomes-Based Education; Individualised Instruction
- Constructivist Learning What is the Constructivist View; Top Down or Bottom Up Processing; Generative Learning; Discovery Learning; Reception Learning; Activating Prior Knowledge
- Motivation Intrinsic Motivation; Extrinsic Motivation; Factors Affecting Motivation; Motivation Theories (Behavioural Learning Theory; Human Needs Theory; Dissonance Theory; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; Personality Theory; Attribution Theory; Expectancy Theory); Improving Motivation (Nurturing Interest/Curiosity; Providing Incentive to Learn)
Project Management
There are nine lessons as follows:
- Introduction : Understanding what project management is, and what its applications might be.
- Project Identification: Identification and defining projects which need management.
- Project Planning :Developing a strategy and framework for the plan.
- Project Implementation :Managers duties during implementation, developing a Preparation Control Chart, Regulating implementation.
- Project Completion & Evaluation : Dangers in this stage, Steps in Project completion, Declaring a project sustainable, Developing an evaluation method,
- Technical Project Management Skills Preparing a proposal, budget control/management, steps in drawing up a post project appraisal.
- Leadership Skills Styles of leadership, leadership principles and methods
- Improving Key Personnel Skills :Listening skills, Negotiation skills, Conflict management
- Major Assignment :Developing full documentation for a project.
Workplace Health & Safety
There are 7 lessons as follows:
- Introduction
- Legislation
- Handling Chemicals
- Handling Equipment
- Handling Objects
- Standards & Rules
- Signs & Signals
Health & Wellbeing
There are eight lessons as follows:
- Industry Overview
- Modern Lifestyle Problems
- Human Nutrition
- Healthy Eating
- Stress Management
- Preventative Health
- Alternative Medicine
- Basic First Aid
Research Project I
There are seven (7) lessons as follows:
- Determining Research Needs
- Searching For Information
- Research Methods
- Using Statistics
- Conducting Statistical Research
- Research Reports
- Reporting On A Research Project.
Industry Meetings -attendance is required at 100 hours of industry meetings such as seminars, conferences, trade shows, industry committees etc. OR Workplace Project I
Further Information
Click on the links below for further information.
We offer three learning methods - correspondence, e-learning and online. If you are not sure which method is best for you,
click here to read more about the methods.
Maintaining The Workforce
Once you have employed staff and have a team, it is also important to maintain the workforce. This does not necessarily mean always keeping the same staff. Even in the most ideal environment, it is unlikely that a staff team will remain the same for years and years. Things happen. People may leave for new jobs. They may move to another area. Get promoted. Have babies and not return to work or return to another job. Be ill. All of these things can affect a workforce. But also consider that if a workforce stays exactly the same for many years, it could be highly efficient and experienced or it could be stagnant. So occasional staff changes can be useful - they bring new energies and new ideas and possibly modern or latest ideas, which could be extremely useful - or not.
Whether the team is newly formed or has been working together for some time, it is important to ensure that the work force works well together and is a content workforce, as much as possible. A way to ensure that a department or team works well is through team building. This can be an ongoing process, when things change or when a new staff member starts. A happy, well-coordinated team will work well, so it is wise for any manager to invest some time in team building, team building activities and social events out of work time or place, to explore personalities and interests etc.
Leadership is Needed
the manager is usually the person who is leading the team and ensuring that it works well. So as a manager, you also need to ensure that you are a leader. You are part of the team, but you are also in charge of the team. It is a mistake to think that all decisions and tasks could be done as a team. As a manager, you need to decide who does what, decide who to delegate tasks to and so on. This should be a management decision not a team decision.
Remember that motivation is also important. What motivates people will vary from individual to individual. Some will be motivated by earning more money or being promoted, whilst others will be motivated by being told they are doing a good job. Psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs/desires that people have. He theorised that people are motivated to fulfil these needs, starting with the most basic of needs such as food and water, and as each need is fulfilled, progressing through the levels up to a need for self-actualisation.
In the workplace these would include a comfortable and nice environment to work in, a safe, secure, healthy environment, opportunities for social interaction, self-esteem needs which would include being well regarded by other on the team, and finally self-actualisation needs - reaching personal potential, winning, achieving. Praising people who have done a job well, giving them credit for their work is essential but at the same time staff need to be treated equally and rewarded financially for their work (for example, a worker who can’t afford to feed their family is unlikely to be fulfilled by praise alone). Why not ask your staff what changes in their work or environment would motivate them?
Constant criticism and negative feedback will not usually get the best out of people. It is easy to see an unmotivated staff member, just look at their productivity, their appearance and energy, body language and the demeanour on their face - it usually tells it all! It is important to ensure that staff are made aware when they are doing something wrong, of course, but also remember to give praise when it is justified. External motivators, such as increased salaries, company cars and so on will obviously vary depending on the business, finances and so on.