Advertising and Promoting

Course CodeBBS202
Fee CodeS3
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationStatement of Attainment


One of the biggest challenges for any business is Getting a Product Known! It is for this reason that many business fail, but if you get it right the business will flourish. Ultimately if no one knows about your product or service, it doesn't matter how great it is!

This course is aimed at:

  • Business owners 
  • Managers
  • Consultants
  • Marketing officers

This course shows you how to raise product awareness, and helps you understand that it's not just about how many people are aware; but also making sure the right people are aware.

So if you're looking to understand more about:

  • Marketing
  • Tools for promoting products and services
  • Designing appropriate campaigns
  • Targeting customers
  • Advertising platforms

And much, much more, then sign up to our Advertising and Promotions course and make your marketing stand out!

Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Analysing the Market
    • Scope and nature of Promotions and Marketing
    • Role of Marketing
    • Approaches to Marketing (The Production Approach: 1820sto 1910s, The Sales Approach: 1920s to 1960s, The Marketing Approach: Stage One -1960s to 1980s, The Marketing Approach: Stage Two - 1980s to Present)
    • Goals of Marketing
    • What makes people buy (Attitude, Defining attitudes, How attitudes form, Changing attitudes)
    • Practical Applications
    • Strengthen an existing attitude
    • Develop a change in attitude
    • Increase involvement
    • Focus on changing several different attitudes toward a product
    • Message Evaluation & Selection
    • Message execution
    • What words sell
    • Deciding to Buy
    • Rational Decisions
    • Heuristic Procedures
    • Decision Making Process (Recognising a Problem, Seeking Information, Evaluating Alternatives, Purchase Processes)
    • Understanding Communication (Types, Methods, Channels, etc)
    • Managing the Marketing Process (Organising, Analysing, Select Targets, Develop the Mix, Managing the marketing Effort)
    • Market Research (Types of research, Gathering data)
    • Managing the Marketing Plan
  2. Target Marketing
    • The Process of Identifying a Target Market
    • Micro marketing
    • Developing a Marketing Plan
    • Organising a Planning Process
    • Reviewing (Mission statement, Goals & Objectives)
    • Establishing Market Objectives
    • Increasing Market Share
    • Expanding Product Mix
    • Broadening Geographic Range
    • Expansion through Export
    • Maximising Customer Service
    • Develop Objective Focused Strategies
    • Increasing Market Share
    • Analysing Opportunities
    • External Influences (General economy, Government, Overseas, Demographics, Technology, Changing customer values, Competitor activity, Alternative marketing methods)
    • Internal Influences (Resources, Market Share, Product characteristics, Advertising, Price, Financial capacity, Innovative potential)
    • Selecting Target Markets
    • Market Segmentation
    • Mass Marketing
    • Concentrated or Niche Markets
    • Differentiated Markets
    • Physical Basis for Segmentation
    • Behavioural basis for Segmentation
    • Developing a Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution)
    • Brand Names, Symbols, Logos
    • Packaging
    • Positioning and Image
    • Providing warranties
    • Price (Pricing Objectives, Pricing Methods, Cost-Price margin, Competition based Pricing, List and Discount Pricing)
  3. Display and Display Techniques
    • Channels of Distribution
    • Market Coverage (Intensive, Selective, Exclusive Distribution)
    • Warehousing
    • Physical Distribution and Coverage
    • Inventory Control
    • Determining Emphasis within Marketing Mix
    • Product Life Cycle
    • Product Strategy
    • Shop Layout
    • Fixtures and Fittings
    • Space Available
    • Displaying Products for Sale
    • What Sells Best
    • Spacing
    • Quantity Displayed
    • Merchandising Suggestions
    • Stock Control
    • Merchandising Program
    • Signs, Signposting.
  4. Advertising and Promotions Strategy
    • Promotional Element
    • Publicity
    • Public Relations
    • Forms of Advertising
    • Sales Promotion
    • Personal Selling Method
    • Promotion Principles
    • Scope of PR
    • Steps in Designing a PR Strategy (Set Advertising Objectives, Decide Advertising Budget, Decide Advertising Message, Decide Media to Use, Evaluate Advertising Effectiveness).
  5. New Product Development
    • Product Line Decisions
    • New Products
    • Tracking Trends
    • Knowing Your Customers
    • Packaging
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis
    • Financial Forecasting
    • Project Revenues and Costs
    • Expenditure Breakdown
    • Revenue Breakdown.
  6. Sales Techniques
    • Promotion and Sales
    • Steps in the Sales Order
    • Understanding Persuasion
    • Materials of Persuasion (Know the Audience, Subject and Yourself, Influencing Opponents, Influencing Neutrals, Handling Criticism, Logical Persuasion)
    • Questioning
    • Sales Staff Training
    • Theory of Helping
    • Strategies (Traditional Approach, Task Approach)
    • Common Strategies for Staff Training and Teaching
  7. Writing Advertisement
    • Purpose of Advertising
    • Writing an Effective Advertisement
    • Structure of an Ad
    • Importance of Colour and Size
    • Advertisement Creation (Develop Product Awareness, Provide Information, Develop a Desire, Develop Conviction, Differentiate Brand, Make a Decision)
    • The Advertising Message
    • Message Generation
    • Combining Rewards and Experiences to design a message
    • Delivering the Message
    • Advertisement Creation Checklist
    • Verification and Proofing
  8. Electronic Marketing -Telephone & Email
    • Telephone Manner
    • Managing an Unmanned Phone
    • Internet Promotions ( Larger audience, Lower Conversion Factor, Different Etiquette, Different Cost Structures, etc)
    • Netiquette
    • Ways of Using Web
    • Web sites
    • Site Construction
    • Site Use
    • Emails
  9. Direct Mailing
    • Types of Direct Mailing (The Direct, The Informative. The Reminder, The Utility)
    • Advantages, Disadvantages, Appropriateness
  10. Exhibitions & Shows
    • Types of Exhibitions
    • Judging it’s Value
    • What can go Wrong
    • Catering for People Overload
    • Measuring Success
    • Organising an Event
    • Planning a Display


  • Analyse a market and understand what prompts people to choose one product or service over another.
  • Determine the promotional effort on an identified target market.
  • Explain how to organise and/or conduct displays.
  • Plan an advertising program.
  • Review a promotions campaign.
  • Explain how to choose and develop marketing of new products and services.
  • Explain how to organise and/or conduct promotions.
  • Develop a sales approach for a product or service which has a difficult sales history.
  • Plan a sales staff training program
  • Develop different advertisements and different promotional leaflets or brochures
  • Describe promotional and advertising techniques using electronic media, in particular the phone and the internet.
  • Determine an appropriate direct mailing campaign.
  • Design a show/exhibition stand
  • Explain how to organise or conduct shows

What is Promotion?

Promotion describes the methods used by a business to inform, persuade and remind a target market about its products.

To achieve these objectives, a promotion campaign attempts to:

  • attract new customers by heightening their awareness of a particular product
  • increase brand loyalty by reinforcing the image of the product
  • provide information so customers can make informed decisions
  • encourage new and existing customers to purchase new products
  • change individual’s behaviour through information or persuasion .

Many of us confuse promotion with advertising because of its visibility and frequency. Advertising, however, is just one of the four elements of the promotion mix. A promotion mix is the various promotion methods a business can use in its promotional campaign.
Businesses can choose from four methods – publicity, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling.

Types of Advertising

Advertising is a paid, non-personal message communicated through a mass medium. Its purpose is to inform, persuade and remind.

Advertising is one of the main forms of promotion used to attract potential customers by creating a demand for the product, informing and communicating essential information. It can be classified into three broad groups, depending on its purpose and message: selective or brand advertising; institutional advertising; or primary demand advertising.

  1. Selective or brand advertising. This is used to sell a particular brand of a product and is the most common form of advertising. Business use brand advertising to persuade consumers of the benefits of their products in order to entice the consumer to purchase their product.
  2. Institutional advertising. This is used to enhance the image or reputation of a business rather than to sell a particular product.
  3. Primary demand advertising. This type of advertising attempts to increase the total consumption of a product without distinguishing between brands. These advertisements promote broad product categories. For example, ‘trim pork’ and milk campaigns. This sort of advertising is often used with overall consumption of a product begins to decline.

Advertising media refers to the many forms of communications used to reach an audience. There are four main types of advertising media: television, radio, newspapers and magazines.

The type of medium selected, will depend on factors such as cost and the advertising budget, the geographic distribution of the product, advertising activities of competitors, expected response rate and the target market. Large businesses often decide to use more than one method so as to reach as large an audience as possible. A business may decide to advertise continuously or in cycles, and should analyse the response to each advertising strategy to determine what is most effective for their product.

Tips for Marketing on the Internet
The best advertisers are those with some knowledge of psychology. The same applies to social media.  The people we are dealing with via social media are not a new species - they are the same customers/potential customers that we have dealt with via other forms of advertising. They have the same wants, desires and needs that they did before, they are just accessing the information to achieve their wants/desires and needs via social media.  
The way that we present information to these potential customers may have changed, but what worked years ago will still work today, because effective advertising via social media is based on knowledge of human nature.   

Internet marketing psychology is the idea that by understanding how customers think and behave, we can engage with them better in an online environment. And by engaging with them better, we can hopefully sell them more of our goods and services.  

People have been using psychology to sell for years.  Think about when you go into a supermarket, supermarkets will pump the smell of their freshly cooked bread around the store, knowing that the smell will make you hungry. They put sweets by the tills, to attract the attention of the bored children waiting in the queue with their parents.  They will put the special offers at the end of aisles. Larger stores and supermarkets will often employ psychologists to work out where to stock their products, how to present their products, how to lay out the store and so on.  

We can also use similar techniques online to make the goods and services we offer more interesting and appealing to potential customers.  

People buy for two reasons:
  1. Because they have to; this applies to needs based products, such as drink, food, heating, housing etc.
  2. Because they want to; this applies to other products.
But even the “have to” products are open to psychological persuasion.  
For example, we HAVE TO drink water. But we may WANT TO buy a certain brand of mineral water, flavoured water, fizzy water, or a water filter for our taps.

Choice is influenced psychologically. A lot of products and services that are for sale are not “essential” for our survival. We do not NEED a new car or new cell phone or a new skirt, but we may want them. Customers can be open to persuasion to purchase that car, skirt or cell phone.

The most important principle in advertising is that the customer will ask – what’s in it for me?  They will ask the same question whether they are looking at a paper brochure or a website.  Therefore, it is important that the website answers that question and answers it quickly.  Your website should tell the customer what you have to offer and what is in it for them that is not available from anyone else.

So here are some tips to help encourage people to visit your website or read your social media posts.

People are curious. If they see something they want to learn about, they will read it.  We can leverage this through social media. You might write a blog – 100 fascinating facts about internet marketing.  You post your blog. Then on your facebook page, you post a link – “Read here for 100 fascinating facts about Internet marketing.”  Someone will read your post and think, “mmm, I wonder what that is about” and go to your blog. OR they will think, “I’m not interested in social media” and pass the blog by or send it to a friend who is interested. Everyone is individual and interested in different things.  

Another tactic is to suggest that we know a secret – “Click here for the top five secrets to selling well online.”

We can also ask people a question:
  • Do you know as much as you think you do about nutrition?
  • Do this online survey and test your knowledge.  
  • What do you think about the new ABC Cell phone?  
  • Do you prefer XYZ Chocolate or NMO Chocolate? Complete our survey.  
Some people will answer the questions for no reason other than that they can, or they are interested in the topic. Other people will need the incentive.

Do you know as much as you think you do about nutrition? Fill in this online questionnaire and get the chance to win $1000 or £1000.

Or, fill in this online questionnaire and get a 10% discount off your first order.

The incentive can be a prize, a discount, a free product, a free download, a free sample etc. The bigger the incentive, the more likely it is that people will visit your website, or fill in your questionnaire or survey for the chance to gain that incentive.  

People also like to have bargain. They want to think that they have the best product at a bargain price.  So special offers and discounts can attract attention.

We see simple offers such as:
  • 10% off if you order before 31st July.
  • Or 10% off for the first 100 customers ordering this product.
  • Or 99% off for the first customer to place this order.
  • A free bottle of wine when you come in for a meal if you “like” our face book page.
  • A free eBook when you order “The Internet Marketing Guide”
And so on.  Customers will be attracted to the idea that they are getting the product cheaper or getting something extra when they buy the product and in their minds “saving money”.


There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:

  • The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place, improving awareness and sales
  • Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
  • Knowledge of these key marketing areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
  • Having the knowledge of different promotional techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
  • Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
  • When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!

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