Working in the water is a dream job for some, and has great benefits for themselves and those who they work with. There is great scope within the fitness sector to introduce people to the water due to the health benefits involved.
Are you looking to:
- develop your skills as a health, fitness or sports professional
- understand how aquafitness can be used for rehabilitation after an injury or illness
- learn how to control the environment for a safer method of aerobic and strength training
- improve performance
Then read one, this course has been designed for you! It is perfect for anyone interested in water fitness and safety as well as teaching some of the essential elements such as aquafitness equipment and facilities, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic principles, and program design and facilitating.
This course is ideal if you are working in the fitness industry and seeking to specialise or upgrade your skill set. It is also essential for those with responsibilities for program design, water fitness and safety. This could be anyone who:
- has a general interest in water fitness
- is responsible for the safety of activities around water and facilities
- teaches or facilitates aqua fitness to classes or groups
- uses the water based fitness equipment
- wants to learn about hydrostatic and hydrodynamic principles
- is involved in fitness program design
Sign up today, develop your skills and join the world of aquafitness!
Lesson Structure
There are 7 lessons in this course:
Scope and Nature of Aqua Exercise
Characteristics of Water; Buoyancy, Cooling, Decreased compression forces, Hydrostatic Pressure, Increased Resistance, etc
Respiratory Fitness
Aquatherapy; for flexibility, strength, muscle re-education, balance, muscle spasms, etc
Physiology of an Aqua Exercise Session; stages 1, 2 and 3
What Affects Fitness
Managing Aqua Facilities
Equipment and Facilities
Pool Conditions
Pool Design
Financial Constraints
Overall Arrangement of Pool Facilities
Type of Pool
Reception and Office
Pool Tank Design and depth
Swim Jets, Rails, Rings
Pool Renovation
Toilet and Locker Room Facilities
Water Quality
Managing Aquatic Facilities
Equipment; kick boards, float belts, goggles, neck supports, flippers, face masks, ear plugs, balls, paddles, floatation bar bells, webbed gloves, stretch chords, weights, mats, aqua lungs
Clothing and Sun Protection
Hats, Caps, Sunglasses, Heart monitors, Stop Watches, etc
Appropriate Student Numbers
Safety in the Pool
Public Pools
First Aid
Teaching Swimming
Life Guards
Types of Exercises
Calf muscles
Pectoral girdle
Hip flexor
Lower and upper back
Types of Exercises
Aerobic Exercise
Anaerobic Exercise
Exercises for Shallow Water
Exercises for Deep Water
Deep Water Running
Intensity Variables; speed, power, range of movement, elevation
Teaching Deep Water Running
When You Get in the Water
Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Principles
General Principles of Aquafitness
Specific Gravity, Pressure, Flow, Energy, Momentum
Buoyancy in the Water
Warm Up
Winding Up an Exercise Session
Cool Down Stage
Muscle Conditioning
Weight in Water
Body Alignment in Water
Knee Safety
Training Heart Rate
Safety & Health
Exercises for Special Groups
Health Disorders
Aged People
Overweight People
Arthritis, Asthma and Diabetes Sufferers
Pregnant Women
Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Safety and Health
Pre Exercise Screening Checklist
Legal Liability
Contributory Negligence
Occupational Health and Safety
Program Design
Requirements to Deliver Appropriate Aqua Based Programs
Process for Program Design
Improving Cardio Respiratory Fitness
Building Strength
Improving Flexibility
Duration of Sessions
Examples of Types of Programs
Stages of a Program; Introduction, Warm Up, Main Body, Intensity Levels, Recovery
Concluding a Session and Cool Down
Writing a Program Plan
Leading a Program
Leading a Class
When you Teach from the Pool
Teaching out of the Pool
Teaching both In and Out of the Pool
Introducing New People to an Aqua Class
Leadership Concepts
Leader Communication
Common Communication Barriers
Appropriate Numbers in a Class
Preparing for a Class
Tips for Running a Class
A person is more susceptible to the following injuries if they exercise without warming up first:
- Muscle tissue tears
- Damage to joints
- Cardiac problems
Warming up does the following:
- It gets the muscles moving and in doing so begins to lubricate the joints
- It gently stretches the muscles conditioning them for more vigorous movements to follow.
- It increases the heart rate and respiration slowly which is safer than a rapid increase.
- Increases the capacity to take in and utilise oxygen
- Undertaking a warm up will also help the transmission of impulses through the nerves.
- The hormone system is alerted.
- Energy sources become activated.
- Activity in the Central Nervous System is increased which leads to faster reaction times.
- It may psychologically prepare class members for more vigorous exercise.
This warm up can be achieved by any gentle movement such as walking, either in or out of water, gradually increasing the intensity or effort, and ensuring that a wide variety of muscles in all parts of the body are moving.
There are five aspects to the warm up:
1. The overall body temperature is increased by overall general movement such as running or jumping. The heart rate should be increased gradually and sustained at a raised level for perhaps 5 minutes. The intensity and duration of this part of the exercise will depend upon the individual’s level of fitness and the environmental conditions It can take longer to warm up if exercising in colder water
2. Major muscle groups should be utilised first then smaller groups.
3. Blood flow to specific areas may need to be increased during warm up. The muscles are then targeted, and the importance of this will depend on the condition of the individual and the purpose of the exercise session. If exercise is being undertaken for therapy of an injury in the arms, then prescribed arm exercises might be important during this warm up stage.
4. The muscles which are to be involved in the exercise session should be stretched gradually. The range of exercises prescribed in this warm up stage should ideally encompass comfortable stretches – each for at least 20 seconds duration.
5. The joints which are to be involved in the exercise session should be moved gently at first. Extend intensity and range of movement gradually.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The information is comprehensive and will give you excellent depth to your knowledge to help you develop your specialism
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities in order to extend your knowledge and research specific areas of interest, enhancing your understanding
- Knowledge of the areas studied in this course will enable you to stand out from others and give you greater confidence
- Understanding about designing and teaching classes can take you in to many different industries and sectors, giving you flexibility now and in the future with the opportunities you seek
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!