Fitness Risk Management

Course CodeVRE104
Fee CodeS1
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.


We are all being encouraged to exercise more, but it's important to ensure that this is being done safely and responsibly. This could will help you to understand how that can be done, and is suitable for all kinds of different people including:

  • Sports coaches
  • Exercise instructors
  • Individuals playing sport for fun
  • Personal trainers
  • Professional (or aspiring to be) athletes

This course goes above and beyond looking at suitable warm up activities, it enables you to review ways in which exercise can be used and the best way in which information can be delivered.

Don't let your exercise be curtailed by injury, enrol today and keep up the activity safely!

Lesson Structure

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Understanding Human Wellness
    • Introduction
    • Self esteem
    • Motivation for learning
    • How to motivate students or clients
    • Reinforcement
    • Understanding Stress
    • Stress and the immune system
    • Long term(chronic) problems caused by stress
    • Physical fitness (anaerobic and aerobic)
    • Safety related issues with exercise : incorrect exercises
    • Safety in other aerobic activities
    • Identifying hazards
    • Safety maintenance in an aerobic exercise area
    • Safety audit
  2. Advising on Human Wellness
    • Pre screening adults
    • Medical symptoms, signs, health problems to watch for
    • Communication with clients
    • Client screening questionnaire
    • Medical clearance
    • Legal liability for fitness instructors
    • What is a liability problem
    • Contributory negligence
    • Insurance
  3. Fitness Tests
    • Risk prevention
    • Before any fitness test
    • Reasons for fitness testing
    • What to test
    • What to measure: weight, blood pressure, body weight and percentage fat
    • Heart rate
    • Lung capacity
    • Cardiovascular score
    • Evaluating cardiorespiratory endurance
    • Evaluating muscular strength and endurance
    • Designing fitness tests
    • Recommended procedure for conducting a new fitness test series
    • Test conditions
    • Combination of tests
  4. Interpreting Fitness Tests
    • Introduction
    • Fatigue during fitness testing
    • Atmospheric pressure affects
    • Calculations
  5. Understanding Back Problems
    • Back terminology
    • Types of spinal injuries
    • Muscular injury
    • Neurological injuries
  6. Recognising and Addressing Back Problems
    • Reducing risk
    • Ergonomics
    • Posture
    • Standing
    • Lying
    • Furniture design
    • Computer use
    • Exercises for the back
    • Workplace health and safety issues
    • Indicators of back injury
  7. Preventative Back Care
    • PBL Project with the following aims: - To identify five common back problems; - Consider how these problems affect the quality of one’s life; - To design exercise guidelines for people already suffering from back problems; - To design exercise guidelines to prevent back injury in healthy individuals; - To design a management plan for an exercise facility; - To establish a procedure for reviewing and evaluating the program.
  8. Understanding Weight Control
    • Principle of weight control
    • Endocrinology
    • Nutritional advice
    • Energy required for different activities
    • The science of nutrition
    • Energy production
    • Factors affecting BMR
    • Working with an obese client
    • Working with an underweight client
  9. Weight Control Methods
    • Role of exercise in weight control
    • A plan for losing weight
    • Water
    • Water retention
    • Athletes and nutrition
    • Weight management PBL Project, with the following aims: - To work with a client with a body mass problem; - To determine the extent of this problem; - To plan a body fat reduction and maintenance program combining both exercise and diet; - To consider the opposite situation, where a client is underweight; - To plan a program to remedy this; - Design a daily meal plan incorporating all necessary food groups and nutrients.


  • Discuss attitudinal risks to fitness and wellness.
  • Identify common advice that should be given to minimise the risk of poor fitness.
  • Describe tests that may indicate fitness risks.
  • Interpret fitness tests.
  • Describe anatomical structures of the back and common medical terminology.
  • Recognise back problems and consider ways of addressing the problems.
  • Discuss actions that may be taken to minimise the risk of back problems and consider ways of addressing the problems.
  • Apply your back care knowledge in a real life situation.
  • Explain basic principles of weight control.
  • Apply knowledge of weight control/nutrition and fitness to a real-life situation.

What You Will Do

  • You will learn a wide variety of things, through a combination of reading, interacting with tutors, undertaking research and practical tasks, and watching videos. Here are just some of the things you will be doing:
  • Describe the health status of the population living in your country, using current statistics and information.
  • Describe health habits that contribute to well being and longevity.
  • Explain the limitations of the person you interviewed and how their exercise routine may be altered/modified.
  • Explain the implications of drugs (prescribed and non-prescription drugs) to personal health and wellbeing and fitness.
  • Describe the warning signs of heart disease.
  • Outline actions for each warning sign to avoid heart problems.
  • Design a beginner's fitness program for a person predisposed to CHR (Coronary Heart Risk).
  • List the medical and alternative medicine practitioners involved in the health field and describe their relationship to health service.
  • Explain how you conducted the fitness testing with respect to... -taking pulse at rest and during exercise. -using an HR monitor such as a polar. -using a sphygmomanometer
  • Explain the following:
    • VO2 max prediction test
    • PWC170 test
    • Aerobic tri-level test
  • Describe how the fitness test results you obtained from a set task can be used.
  • Set a safe program for a client according to their desired outcome and ability level, using information from the screening and fitness evaluation based on a set task.
  • Identify ten (10) different health problems that may restrict exercise performance, excluding back related problems.
  • Draw a simple sketch of the spine, identifying structures and segments, including each of the spinal curvatures.
  • List any lifestyle factors you can think of that contribute to back pain?
  • Explain the purpose of a potentially dangerous or ineffective exercises and demonstrate safer alternatives.
  • What illnesses (diseases) can cause back pain?
  • What structural problems (ie. physical damage to the body), can cause back pain?
  • Identify the major postural and phasis muscles that contribute to maintaining correct body alignment and explain how they function.
  • What things might cause injury and burn out to a fitness instructor in their daily work?
  • Write down a list of guidelines or rules for fitness instructors to follow to avoid back problems.
  • Produce a small booklet that illustrates and explains basic flexibility exercises that could be performed as a prevention exercise to back pain. Also add in a list of do's and don'ts for people to follow.
  • Write down what you eat over a 24 hour period, and then:
  • Calculate the calories in this diet.
  • Determine how well the nutrients are balanced in this diet.
  • Write a report on what you believe about genetics and the environment influencing people's weight gain and loss.
  • Write a report about anorexia and bulimia.
  • Try to determine the ratio of males and females that suffer from these diseases.
  • How are they believed to develop?
  • What are present methods of helping sufferers with these problems?

Holistic Care Pays Dividends

The human body is mostly robust if cared for in a holistic way, but very easy to damage if your care is out of balance.
Often people will abuse their body until something becomes damaged. 
  • Exercise is important, but too much of one type of exercise and not enough of another can easily cause an imbalance
  • Similarly eating both protein and carbohydrate is important; but it is risky to overeat one and under eat theother. 
Managing risks when undertaking fitness, involves understanding the body, and challenging it enough that it develops good, balanced fitness levels; but not challenging it in any way that creates an imbalance or damage.

Managing the Back

Given the complex nature of back injuries, and the difficulty in treating and correcting them, preventative back care is key.  Recognising a back injury can be as straightforward as asking the right questions and collecting the right professional records during fitness assessment questionnaires. However, a patient may be unaware that they have, or are at risk of a back injury.  They will rely on you to show them how to correctly use exercise equipment, how to correctly perform prescribed exercises, and how to reduce their risk of back injury.
Most back problems are due to muscles being too weak in the abdominals, generally resulting from lack of exercise. When the muscles are weak, the hip/s rotate forward, the back will curve, back muscles become shorter and the abdominal muscles sag and stretch.
Measures to prevent back injury include:
  •  Maintain correct posture
  •  Use ergonomic furniture, equipment and tools wherever possible
  •  Maintain strength and muscle tone in the abdomen
  •  Maintain strength and flexibility in the back muscles
  •  Ensure you lift and/or move heavy objects correctly, relying primarily on the strength of your leg muscles and not using your lower back  to carry the weight
  •  Ensure you know how to use heavy equipment or tools correctly
  •  Ensure you know how to perform heavy labour tasks associated with your job/hobby correctly
  •  Seek medical care immediately if you suffer a back or neck injury, such as in a car accident
  •  Keep a balanced diet, including adequate calcium and vitamin D, to ensure your vertebrae are strong and healthy. Cartilage supplements may also be useful in preventing degenerative disc injuries.


There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:

  • The information is comprehensive and will give you excellent depth to your knowledge to help you develop your specialism
  • Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities in order to extend your knowledge and research specific areas of interest, enhancing your understanding
  • Knowledge of the areas studied in this course will enable you to stand out from others and give you greater confidence
  • Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
  • When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!

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