Health and Fitness II (Fitness Program Management)

Course CodeBRE201
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn to Better Manage Fitness Services

Are you:

  • Managing a leisure or fitness business
  • Wanting to development management understanding within the fitness sector
  • Working within health and wellbeing
  • Looking to set up your own business

Then this course could be just the right fit for you!

Making the move from delivering fitness sessions, to building your own, or managing someone else's, business can be a big one. This course will support you in doing just that.

Prerequisites for this course are either Health and Fitness I or a recognised fitness leaders certificate.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Fitness and Wellbeing
    • Defining terminology
    • What is wellbeing
    • Emotional or mental health
    • Structural health
    • Chemical health
    • Natural body cycles
    • Why exercise
    • Enhancing normal health with exercise
    • Food combining
    • Exercise at different stages of life
    • Stabilizing metabolism during middle age
    • Exercise for disease prevention
    • Old age
    • Understanding and managing stress
  2. Fitness Physiology and Anatomy
    • Anaerobic energy supply
    • Lactic acid energy
    • Aerobic energy supply
    • Energy needed for different types of activity
    • Muscles: how muscles move, types of muscle
    • What muscle causes what movement
    • Problems during exercise: fatigue,
  3. Management of Fitness Testing Services
    • Reasons for fitness testing
    • Safety
    • First aid
    • Legal liability
    • Negligence
    • Providing protection
  4. Designing Fitness Tests
    • What should be tested
    • Sequence of testing
    • Body weight, Water, Fat testing
    • Cario respiratory endurance
    • Muscle strength and endurance
    • Criteria for designing fitness tests
    • Procedure for constructing a new fitness test series
  5. Resistance Training
    • Principles of resistance training
    • Principles of exercise
    • Overload principle
    • Specificity
    • Types of resistance training
  6. Developing an Exercise Programme
    • Features of an exercise program
    • Typical design process
    • Types of exercise
    • Developing physique
    • Cardiorespiratory endurance
    • Structure of an aerobic training session
  7. Managing an Exercise Programme
    • Training response
    • Exercises for specific problems: back, shoulders, trunk, arms,legs
    • Weight control
    • Energy expenditure
  8. Leading a Fitness Programme
    • Leadership concepts
    • Leadership responsibilities
    • Shared leadership
    • Leadership communication


  • Explain the relationship between fitness and wellbeing.
  • Determine a persons level of health and fitness according to physiological data.
  • Manage fitness testing services to a standard practiced in gymnasiums and health clubs.
  • Design Fitness Tests to a standard practiced in gymnasiums and health clubs.
  • Explain the management of resistance training, including equipment and exercise programs.
  • Develop an exercise program.
  • Manage exercise programs, including monitoring and recommendations.
  • Effectively lead a fitness program, to any number of people, including large groups or on an individual basis.

What You Will Do

  • Explain symptoms of common problems that may occur during exercise,including: dizziness, hyperventilation, nausea or asthma.
  • Describe procedures to follow in response to problems occurring during exercise
  • Explain how to cater for special needs of the following different demographic groups during exercise:
    • Pregnant women
    • The elderly
    • Paraplegics
  • Describe examples of different people who experience poor health, but a good state of wellbeing.
  • List physiological characteristics which can be used to indicate a persons health and fitness level.
  • Describe the structure of skeletal muscle the upper arm.
  • Compare anaerobic with aerobic energy systems.
  • Explain how cardiovascular responses may vary, according to varying intensities of specific type of exercise.
  • Explain the physiology of muscular fatigue related to varying levels of exercise.
  • Explain factors related to hypertrophy/atrophy of muscle tissue, in a specific situation.
  • Differentiate between a fitness assessment undertaken by a fitness leader and a comprehensive assessment of health carried out by a health practitioner.
  • Explain the purpose, including limitations, of fitness testing in a summary.
  • Complete a pre-test screening procedure to identify risk levels in a client, using a standard questionnaire.
  • Explain procedures to manage legal liability when conducting fitness tests in your locality.
  • Demonstrate a series of five different fitness tests, commonly used in health clubs or gymnasiums.
  • Analyse the results of fitness tests conducted.
  • Define in one sentence each, resistance training terminology, including:
    • Repetitions
    • Sets
    • Resistance (load)
    • Repetition maximum
    • Rest
  • Explain different resistance training concepts including:
    • Overload principle
    • Isotonic contraction
    • Isometric contraction
    • Eccentric contraction
    • Isokenetic contraction
  • Explain different resistance training methods, including:
    • Isotonic programs
    • Isometric programs
    • Isokenetic programs
    • Eccentric programs
  • Compare different items of equipment commonly used for resistance training.
  • Explain the proper use of five different resistance training machines; in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
  • Identify hazards associated with use of different items of resistance training equipment.
  • Develop guidelines for the care of weight training equipment.
  • Compare the use of a specified weight machine by three different people in an analytical report.
  • Prepare using illustrations, and step by step instructions, a modified exercise program.
  • Explain the exercise program you developed.
  • Explain different motivational techniques which are appropriate to use during, fitness instruction.
  • Explain different counselling techniques which may be appropriate to use during fitness instruction.
  • Explain an appropriate style of leadership to use during fitness instruction in a specified situation which you are familiar with.
  • Explain the use of teaching principles to explaining a specific exercise technique.
  • Explain differences in approach to leading different numbers of people in a fitness session.
  • Demonstrate leading a fitness session with a group of four or more participants

Consider the Clientele

Different demographic groups need different types of exercise services. A gym or fitness professional needs to always be mindful of this fact, and tailor the services they offer, according to the clients they are providing for.

Exercise Classes for Older Adults

This group of people can make up a great proportion of your clientele. They generally do not like loud music, so keep it soft or at a medium level. Most also prefer low-key surroundings so avoid bright lights, mirrors, or posters of super-fit young people for example. Older participants are often more concerned about joint movement and flexibility than weight loss and can relate better to an older instructor who shows respect and individual attention to their requirements. It is very common that this type of population attends for social reasons - to meet others and relax.

Exercise Classes for Athletes

This can be a hard group to cater for because they can vary considerably in the type of sports they are involved in, and elite athletes may require very specialised fitness components. The triathlete, swimmer, runner or aerobics-orientated person will want a hard, advanced class to challenge their fitness. 
The type of sport and the fitness components to be improved will indicate the type of training employed. You may find elite athletes require personal training, one-on-one, to best achieve their goals. 
Personal training has become more and more popular over the past couple of decades, but it is expensive, and so tends to be limited to those who can afford it. However, it is a great way to increase motivation and to improve knowledge and technique with workouts. Personal trainers usually have up-to-date knowledge on the latest techniques and research done in the fitness industry. For a hefty fee, some companies offer a live-in personal training service for several months whereby the trainer lives with the exerciser and takes control of what they eat and how and when they exercise. Other services might involve a trainer accompanying an individual at their place of employment to oversee their diet and exercise. 

Exercise Classes for Beginners (Adults who have not attended classes before)

These type of clients can generally be catered for a little easier than other groups. Generally, their cardiovascular fitness needs to be increased, and their basic fitness components of strength, flexibility and muscular endurance can be improved as well. 
Attending classes with easy-to-follow fitness routines will allow beginners to keep up and enhance their skills almost immediately. A basic low-impact class with a caring and understanding instructor will be a good start to any beginners fitness regime.

Exercise Classes for Children

This population is increasingly becoming involved in fitness classes. Fitness classes for children are extremely important for the following reasons.
  • There may be low levels of physical education training and sports education in schools.
  • Increased concern for overweight and obese children and adolescents.
  • Poor diet and exercise regimes.
One of the problems is the lack of health and fitness centres offering programmes for these customers. Weight-training for children and younger teenagers is not recommended, therefore fitness/aerobics programmes can be a great way of ensuring that this group gets suitable exercise.
Owners/managers of gyms should consider expanding their timetable to include specific classes for younger children and teenagers. Instructors should increase their knowledge of children's fitness.
Teachers need to promote extra curricular activities and parents should encourage their children to participate in more physical activity, especially if the children are not actively involved in sport or other physical activities. 


There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:

  • The information is comprehensive and will give you excellent depth to your knowledge to help you develop your specialism and manage fitness services effectively
  • Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities in order to extend your knowledge and research specific areas of interest, enhancing your understanding
  • Knowledge of the areas studied in this course will enable you to stand out from others and give you greater confidence
  • Understanding about the areas covered in the course can take you in to many different industries and sectors, giving you flexibility now and in the future with the opportunities you seek
  • Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
  • When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you! 

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