Html - Writing An Internet Website

Course CodeVIT102
Fee CodeS1
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationStatement of Attainment


Learn to create web pages. Explore different methods of laying out an HTML page. Investigate some of the techniques employed by web developers to Navigate between web pages. Experiment with the use of images and background images on web pages. Use style sheets to change the look and feel of a web page. Build a web site based on a client design specification.

Is this course right for me?
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn programming in html. It can be a hobby or to create a website for your personal or business use. Keeping in mind that web development companies charge thousands of dollars to develop websites for businesses this course is a good investment.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Getting Started
    • Understand the basics of HTML and create your first HTML Page.
  2. Page Layout
    • Explore the use of CSS to layout a web page.
  3. Navigation
    • Recognise the many different types of HTML links used to navigate a web page and web site. Understand the importance of navigation in relation to people browsing your site
  4. Images and Page Weights
    • Learn how to add images to a web page and understand the importance of page weights and download speeds.
  5. Colour and Style
    • Understand the web safe palette and the use of style sheets to control the look of a web page.
  6. Designing a Web Site
    • To be capable of designing and planning a basic web site that satisfies a client requirement.
  7. Building and Testing a Web Site
    • Understand the importance of interpreting web site specifications in the planning and constructing of a web site.
  8. File Transfer Protocol
    • Make your web site visible to the outside world.


  • Understand the basics of HTML and create your first HTML Page
  • Explore the use of HTML tables to layout a web page
  • Recognise the many different types of HTML links used to navigate a web page and web site. Understand the importance of navigation in relation to people browsing your site
  • Learn how to add images to a web page and understand the importance of page weights and download speeds
  • Understand the web safe palette and the use of style sheets to control the look of a web page
  • To be capable of designing and planning a basic web site that satisfies a client requirement
  • Understand the importance of interpreting web site specifications in the planning and constructing of a web site
  • Make your web site visible to the outside world.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. An HTML page is a text file that contains special characters called markup tags. The tags describe how the page should be displayed when you view it via a Browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.

HTML works in a very simple, very logical, format. It reads like you do, top to bottom, left to right. That's important to remember. HTML is written with TEXT. What you use to set certain sections apart as bigger text, smaller text, bold text, underlined text, is a series of tags.


Think of tags as commands. Let's say you want a line of text to be bold. You will put a tag at the exact point you want the bold lettering to start and another tag where you want the bold lettering to stop. If you want just a word to be italic, you will place a start italic tag at the beginning of the word and an end italic tag at the end of the word. For your convenience a list of all the tags that you will need for this course can be found in “Appendix_1.pdf”.

Create an HTML Page

You don’t need to be connected to the Internet to create or view HTML pages. You don’t even need complex software. All that you require to create HTML pages is a simple text editor such as Notepad if you are using a windows based computer or Simpletext if you are using an Apple computer.

Start Notepad (or Simpletext) and type the following:



<title>My first web page</title>



Hello World!



Another Extract...

The Structure of Tags

Tags are not case sensitive <em> means the same as <EM>. However, lowercase is the standard that has been adopted for future versions of HTML (called XHTML). Some Tags have attributes

For example <table border=”1”>.

Here border=”1” is the attribute of the <table> tag and in this case the browser will create a table with a border 1 pixel wide.

Tags can have one or more attributes. Here are some other examples of tags and attributes:

<p align=”left>

Align the text in this paragraph to the left.

<td valign=”top” width=”50%”>

Make a table cell 50 percent as wide as the table wide and align its contents to the top of the cell.

<font color=”#999999”>

Make the following text this colour.

As we progress in the course we will explore these and more.

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