Human Nutrition and Food III

Course CodeBRE302
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.


This course provides you with detailed information about making good choices when selecting the foods to eat. This would be suited to those who are working in:

  • Kitchens - professional or home
  • Care facilities 
  • Schools
  • Childcare providers

Those who are working in roles and environments where it is important to support with making better food choices would benefit from completing this course to understand how that can be done in an effective way. This might be:

  • Carers for all age groups
  • Teachers or teaching assistants
  • Fitness coaches
  • Kitchen staff
  • Lifestyle coaches 

Whatever role you play, finding out more about the impacts food choices have on our health and wellbeing will only benefit those you work with.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Nutrient Imbalance and Disease
    • Food risk factors
    • What disease is impacted by what nutrient issues
    • Important nutrients often lacking in some diets
    • Iodine
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium
    • Iron
    • Fats, lipids and cholesterol
    • Cholesterol
    • Fats -saturated, monosaturated, polyunsaturated
    • Low salt or low sodium diets
    • Sugars -components of different sweeteners
    • Heart disease and diet
    • Fats and heart disease
    • Triglycerides and heart disease
    • Heart affects of Cholesterol, sugar, salt, alcohol, carbohydrates, fish, etc
    • Obesity and insulin
    • Metabolic syndrome
    • Cancer
    • Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)
    • PEM in hospitalised people
    • PEM types -primary, secondary, kwashiorkor, marasmus
    • Diagnosis of PEM
    • Treating PEM
    • Prognosis for PEM partients
    • PEM prevention
    • Health problems and solutions
    • Special considerations for pregnant and nursing women
    • Special Project -a problem based learning project where you will investigate the relationship between nutrition and a particular disease (e.g. Celiac disease, Osteoporosis or Diabetes).
  2. Dental Problems
    • Tooth structure
    • Anatomy of teeth
    • Nutrition and dental health
    • Fluoride intake
    • Who needs fluoride
    • Foods that supply fluoride
    • Calcium intake
    • The decay process
    • Preventing plaque
    • Nursing bottle syndrome
    • Preventing dental problems
    • Reasons to prevent tooth decay
    • Causes of tooth decay
    • Dental hygiene
    • Homemade toothpastes and mouth washes
  3. Fibre and Diseases of the Bowel
    • Understanding fibre
    • How fibre works in the body
    • Fibre in food -soluble and insoluble
    • Health and dietary fibre
    • Resistant starch
    • How the digestive system works
    • Conditions linked to low fibre diets
    • Fibre and managing blood cholesterol
    • Fibre and diabetes
    • Fibre and weight control
    • Increase your fibre
    • Bowel checks
  4. Different ways of Eating
    • How we eat is important
    • Compatibility of ingredients
    • Vegetarian, vegan and alternate diets
    • Health considerations with not eating animal products
    • Sourcing organic, vegetarian and vegan foods
    • Alternative diets for young children
    • Diet during pregnancy
  5. Food Toxicities and Sensitivities
    • Allergies and sensitivities
    • Differences between sensitivity, allergy, anaphylaxis and intolerance
    • Allergies -common allergens, likely symptoms
    • Natural toxins in foods
    • Increase in rates of allergies
    • Inheritance of allergies and intolerances
    • Food allergy symptoms
    • Anaphylaxis -causes, symptoms, treatment
    • Causes of common food allergies and food intolerances
    • Diagnosing and dealing with food sensitivities
    • Avoiding the food
    • Preventing food allergy in children
    • Food laws and labels
    • Special medical considerations
  6. Food Toxicity and Poisoning
    • Causes of food poisoning
    • Bacterial food poisoning causes, types of bacteria, prevention
    • Bacillus poisoning
    • Campylobacter
    • Campylobacter jejuni
    • Clostridium perfringens
    • Clostridium botulinum
    • Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
    • Listeria spp.
    • Salmonella spp.
    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • Vibrio parahaemolyticus
    • Yersinia enterocolitica
    • Treating bacterial poisoning
    • Contamination from cooking -aluminium, copper, cooking source, wood preservatives.
    • Contamination from food processing -e.g. cleaning chemicals
    • Effects of food preparation on nutrition -problems caused by cooking
    • Food production and processing issues
    • Milling and refining
    • Additives, colourings, flavourings
    • Deteriorating food
    • Microorganisms
    • Enzymes
    • Mechanical deterioration
    • Ripening fruit
    • Low temperature damage
    • Hygiene practices
  7. Detoxification or Body Cleansing
    • Introduction
    • Methods of detoxification
    • Water and juice fasting
    • Weekend mono diet
    • Chelation therapy
    • Fasting
    • Side effects of fasting
    • Water therapies
    • Cathartics -laxatives, purgatives
    • Acidophilus
    • Herbal treatments -alfalfa, aloe vera, cranberry juice, echinacea, chamomile, parsley, etc
    • Massage -lymphatic drainage, Swedish massage
    • Bowel Movements and urination
    • Cautions
  8. Consulting and Giving Advice on Diet
    • Legalities
    • Insurance
    • Professional bodies
    • Holistic approach
    • Ethics
    • The consultation
    • Compliance
    • Setting a nutritional program


  • Explain different food related health problems.
  • Determine the effect which different physical methods of food intake, can have upon health, including time and order of eating, and chewing.
  • Manage food sensitivity problems.
  • Implement procedures to avoid food poisoning.
  • List food related factors which can have a negative influence on health.
  • Distinguish between characteristics of the diets of two healthy people with diets of two unhealthy people.
  • Differentiate between dietary and other affects, on the health of a specific individual.
  • Explain the significance of cholesterol to health of a specific demographic group.
  • Explain the significance of diet to cancer in a specified demographic group.
  • Compare differences in physiological responses to different patterns of eating, including: The order in which different types of food are eaten
    • The time of day when different types of food are eaten
    • The degree to which different types of foods are chewed
    • The speed of swallowing
    • The amount of time between eating different food types.
  • Explain food combining principles, in a diet designed to optimise food combining principles.
  • Plan a dietary timetable which optimises the ability of a typical person on a specified budget, to digest and assimilate food.
  • Formulate a nutritionally balanced vegetarian diet.
  • Formulate a diet compatible with a person's level of physical activity.
  • Manage fibre in the diet.
  • Manage diet to optimise dental health.
  • Recommend a safe method of detoxification.
  • Recommend a nutritional program to a client in a proper and responsible manner.

What You Will Do

  • Distinguish between food sensitivity and toxicity in two different case studies.
  • Distinguish between chemical and pathological toxicity, in four different case studies.
  • List foods commonly associated with sensitivity problems.
  • List foods commonly associated with toxicity problems.
  • Explain problems associated with common food sensitivity and toxicity including: -Gluten Sugar -Salt -Yeast -MSG.
  • Develop a checklist of body reactions which may occur, in response to food sensitivity or toxicity, as a tool for diagnosing possible causes.
  • Describe two different scientific procedures used to test for food sensitivities and toxicities.
  • Explain the role of histamines, anti histamines and steroids in human toxicology.
  • Explain first aid treatments for people suspected to be suffering from two different food sensitivity or toxicity problems.
  • Explain a procedure used by a health practitioner, to treat someone affected by a specified type of food poisoning.
  • Determine guidelines to minimise food toxicity problems in a restaurant you visit
  • List factors which can cause food poisoning.
  • Explain three different pathological sources of serious food poisoning; including identification, physiological effects and control.
  • Explain three chemical poisoning risks associated with the use of chemicals to control pathological poisoning risks.
  • Explain food storage and preparation techniques essential to minimising food poisoning.
  • Develop guidelines to minimise food poisoning in the learners kitchen, based upon your normal dietary requirements.
  • Develop guidelines to minimise food toxicity problems in a visited restaurant.
  • Explain procedures practiced by a visited food manufacturer, to control food sensitivity and toxicity problems with their product.
  • Compare in a chart or table, three different styles of vegetarianism.
  • Explain two different specified risks associated with a vegetarian diet.
  • List alternative sources for twenty different components of foods normally derived from animal products, including: *Tryptophan *Methionine *Valine *Threonine *Phenylalanine *Leucine *Isoleucine *Lysine.
  • Formulate a balanced vegetarian diet, for a specified individual.
  • Explain the relationship between different types of food and exercise.
  • Explain the management of diet for a specified situation, before, during and after activity.
  • Explain how diet can affect performance of three different specified types of exercises.
  • Explain the role of fibre in the digestive system, of a specified demographic group.
  • Explain possible implications of inadequate fibre in the diet, for 3 different specified demographic groups.
  • Compare relative value of the fibre content of twenty different foods.
  • Explain inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in a specified case study.
  • Compare fibre content in the diets of four different people interviewed.
  • Recommend modifications to the fibre intake of two of the people interviewed.
  • Explain the biology of the teeth, including anatomy and physiology.
  • Explain the effect of five different foods on the teeth and gums.
  • Describe dental problems influenced by diet.
  • Develop guidelines for healthy dental hygiene procedures, including both dietary and other practices.
  • List factors which affect accumulation of toxins in the body.
  • Explain different benefits of detoxification, for three different demographic groups.
  • Explain different techniques of accelerating elimination of toxins from the body -Heat (eg. Sauna) -Fasting -Diet Modification -Antioxidants -Exercise -Drugs and Herbs -
    • Disease Stress control.
  • Explain the dangers of excessive detoxification, for two different demographic groups.
  • Evaluate appropriate detoxification needs for a specified individual.
  • Recommend a detoxification program based upon a specified evaluation.
  • Explain legal risks involved in giving nutritional advice to a client.
  • Explain the moral responsibilities involved in providing nutritional advice.
  • Determine ways in which a two specific examples of nutritional advice may be misinterpreted.
  • Develop guidelines for a system to ensure nutritional advice is followed by clients as intended, including provision for monitoring.
  • Demonstrate a consultation with a client, real or hypothetical, presenting a nutritional program, designed for that client.


Does temptation get the better of you too often?

For some of these diseases there is a clear and well-established link between the nutrient imbalance and disease risk. In some cases, the magnitude of the increased risk is very high, in others it is not so. For example, the risk of obesity is well known to be higher if you have a high calorie diet, and the risk is significant. But the chances of a man developing prostate cancer due to high calorie diet is only just being established and the relationship being the nutrient excess and the magnitude of increased risk is not yet clear. It is important to keep an eye on current research, and to be familiar with releases from professional nutrition bodies regarding diet and health implications. The more you read, the more familiar you will become with studies and their relevance. For those planning on entering into nutrition/health as a profession, medical journals and articles are an excellent reference, for those interested in improving their own health or that of their families or the public in other roles, websites like Nutrition Australia provide up to the minute, easy to read information and opinion.

The current western diet is typically very high in salt (sodium) and low in potassium. Instead the diet should be high in potassium and low in sodium. Salt is a generic chemical term and covers a particular category of molecule. When referring to table salt, the salt we are talking about is sodium chloride. Increased sodium intake results in the increased loss of calcium in the urine, leading to osteoporosis. Potassium on the other hand provides protection against hypertension and other oedema. To correct a high sodium/low potassium diet you need to eat foods that have had as little processing as possible, as many food additives increase sodium levels and processing tends to reduce potassium levels.

The following characteristics of nutrition are a risk to health, if their intake varies too far from desired levels (for the individual concerned):

  • Amount of saturated fats and cholesterol
  • Number of kilojoules (or calories)
  • Amount of fibre (should not be too low)
  • Quantity of total fat
  • Amount of carbohydrate
  • Quantity of salt
  • Amount of alcohol
  • Contaminants (e.g. chemical pollutants, pesticides)
  • Vitamins & Minerals
  • Protein (vegetarians need to be careful to receive adequate variety).


There are lots of reasons to study with us, including:

  • Our courses provide you with lots of details covering many different areas, this helps to expand the scope of your knowledge
  • Increasing your knowledge of health issues and impacts of food choices will enable you to more effectively meet the needs of those who you work or care for
  • Included in the course are opportunities for you to apply the knowledge you've learned and to get feedback from a subject specialist who will share their expert knowledge with you
  • Developing an understanding in the areas covered in the course could help improve your employability within a range of different sectors
  • Being able to study flexibly, as our courses are designed to be, means you can gain knowledge whilst still being able to work or fulfil any other commitments you have


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