Personal Energy Management

Course CodeVRE105
Fee CodeS3
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn to manage your energy levels, or help others to manage theirs.

  • Do you feel tired or lack energy?
  • Does a lack of energy limit your ability to accomplish things in your job?
  • Do you understand the different types of personal energy which we expend - physical, intellectual, and emotional.
  • Our lives place varying demands on our personal energy - this course seeks to help you understand the demands and understand how you can manage your energy levels to be more effective in your tasks.
  • Course duration: 100 hours, comprising 7 lessons.
  • Start at any time, study at your own pace.
  • Learn from personal energy specialists.



Lesson Structure

There are 7 lessons in this course:

  1. Personal Energy: A Key to Success
    • What is Personal Energy?
    • The Real Energy Crisis.
    • How Leaders Become and Remain Energised.
    • Implications for Everyone.
    • Supplementary Notes: Physical Energy Production.
  2. 14 Keys To Managing Your Personal Energy
    • What Are The Keys To Managing Personal Energy?
    • Supplementary Notes: Energy And Aerobic Fitness.
  3. 10 Falsehoods about Managing Energy Supply
    • Introduction.
    • Myths About Managing Energy Supply.
    • Supplementary Notes: Fatigue and Recovery.
  4. The "Other" Energies: Emotional And Intellectual
    • Values And Energy.
    • Intellectual Energy.
    • Factors That Contribute Significantly to Shortages in Intellectual Energy.
    • Assessing Your Intellectual Energy.
    • The Primacy Of Emotional Energy.
    • Factors That Contribute Significantly To Shortages In Emotional Energy.
    • Assessing Your Emotional Energy.
    • Supplementary Notes: Breathing.
  5. The Myth of Invincibility
    • Leadership And Energy.
    • Enhancement Of Energy.
    • Supplementary Notes: Nutrition.
  6. The Limits of Stress and Time Management
    • General Limits.
    • Supplementary Notes: Stretching Exercises.
  7. Committing Occupational Suicide
    • Re-active and Pro-active Approaches.
    • Why People Work.
    • Causes of Avoidance.
    • Adverse Childhood Experiences.
    • Negative Work Environment.
    • Self-Shaping.
    • The Impact of Avoidance.
    • Worker Productivity and Energy Level.
    • Cost to the Person, Organisation, Family or Group.
    • What are Avoiders Trying to Avoid.
    • Bases for Avoidance.
    • Supplementary Notes: Recreation And Personal Energy.


  • Explain the nature and scope of Personal Energy.
  • Determine the most important factors that impact personal energy supply.
  • Describe the most common falsehoods regarding personal energy management.
  • Explain the significance of these two crucial kinds of personal energy: emotional and intellectual.
  • Identify actions taken by high achievers to enhance their energy.
  • Consider the role stress and time management play in personal energy management.
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of being proactive and reactive.
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of seekers and avoiders.
  • Consider the role stress and time management in personal energy management.
  • Understand the limits of stress and time management, and the role that personal energy plays.


Simply stated, personal energy is the amount of stamina, vigour, or "juice" you have to complete a given task or engage in a particular activity.
It is useful to think in terms of three types of personal energy:

  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
Physical Energy

Have you ever climbed a mountain or a large hill? At the time, depending upon such factors as your speed and the steepness of the terrain, you likely consumed a substantial amount of physical energy. On the other hand, working day after day on new, complex, and highly-demanding tasks could decrease intellectual energy. Discussing an unproductive and very negatively-oriented worker's job performance with him could lower your emotional energy level.

Intellectual Energy

High intellectual energy supply improves your ability to concentrate, to think quickly and objectively, and to accurately size up situations. Low intellectual energy tends to impair concentration, to lengthen response time, and to impair judgement.

Emotional Energy

High emotional energy contributes to patience, and to acting in an objective manner when dealing with people. Low emotional energy leads to impulsive and counter-productive interaction with other persons.

Your supply of intellectual and emotional energy very often may be among the most critical factors determining your degree of success on a particular project or in general.

Implications for everyone

Ideally, CEOs' major tasks include assisting employees in sustaining and even expanding their supply of personal energy. Hopefully they also provide a work environment which allows for and even supports energy-enhancement. In reality, however, many CEOs and leaders in other areas are too occupied with their own needs and the needs of the organisation to attend to employees’ energy needs, even though much of the burden of achievement rests on those employees. What successful CEO does not depend on the energy and achievements of his or her secretary, lower level management, and ordinary workers? What leader does not rely on the energy and achievements of coordinators, advisors, assistants, speech writers, and others?

Personal energy is important to every person who takes on a leadership role: a teacher, a sports coach, a workplace team leader, a parent, a tour guide etc. It is equally important to anyone who works on a project or wants to achieve a goal, or gain a sense of accomplishment by completing tasks, or learn a new skill, do well at a hobby, or have energy left over for family and recreation after all duties are done.
In other words, leaders and achievers are not found only in the political, business, sporting or intellectual arenas, but can be found in all areas of work and social life, at play, and in the home.  Whether you are a mother trying to cope with the many demands of children, home, work etc., a student who is feeling burned out with too many assignments or who knows that you can do much better, or a labourer who, after a day of hard work, wants to have energy for family, recreation or a hobby, you will benefit from becoming more aware of your energy levels and from learning how to manage your energy more effectively.


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