Qualification - Advanced Certificate In Applied Management (Health And Fitness)

Course CodeVBS001
Fee CodeAC
Duration (approx)900 hours
QualificationAdvanced Certificate

Learn to be a Manager to Work in the Leisure Industry


There are 4 core units common to all streams of this Advanced Certificate, VBS001. These involve 400 hours of study in total.  Three health and fitness units involve another 300 hours of study. A workplace project on the health and fitness industry involves the final 200 hrs of study.


Totalling 400 hours. All four of these modules must be studied and passed.

1. Office practices

Develops basic office skills covering use of equipment, communication systems (telephone, fax, etc) and office procedures such as filing, security, workplace organisations, etc.

2. Business operations

Develops knowledge of basic business operations and procedures (eg. types of businesses, financial management, business analysis, staffing, productivity, etc) and the skills to develop a 12 month business plan.

3.  Management

Develops knowledge of management structures, terminology, supervision, recruitment and workplace health and safety.

4. Marketing

Develops a broad understanding of marketing and specific skills in writing advertisements, undertaking market research, developing an appropriate marketing plan and selling.




There are eight lessons as follows:

1. Industry Overview 2. Modern Lifestyle Problems
3. Human Nutrition 4. Healthy Eating
5. Stress Management 6. Preventative Health
7. Alternative Medicine

8. Basic First Aid


Stage 2: FITNESS
There are eight lessons as follows:

1. The Human Body

2. Fitness Testing

3. Principles Of Exercise Programming

4. Fitness Testing - age/sex differences, simple tests

5. Exercise For Aerobic Fitness

7. Exercise For Strength

8. Weight Control And Other Special Aspects



 There are eight lessons as follows:

1.         Introduction: Facilities

2.         Exercise Facilities

3.         Parks, Playing Fields and Athletics Tracks

4.         Indoor Facilities: Community Centres, Recreation Centres etc.

5.         Organising an Event

6.         Marketing Programs & Facilities

7.         Maximising Resources: Managing/Programming/Planning

8.         Other Considerations: Town Planning, Insurance/liability etc.



This is the final requirement that you must satisfy before receiving your award.  There are four options available to you to satisfy this requirement:

Alternative 1.

If you work in the industry that you have been studying; you may submit a reference from your employer, in an effort to satisfy this industry (ie. workplace project) requirement; on the basis of RPL (ie. recognition for prior learning), achieved through your current and past work experience.

The reference must indicate that you have skills and an awareness of your industry, which is sufficient for you to work in a position of responsibility.

Alternative 2.

A one module credit (100 hrs) can be achieved by verifying attendance at a series of industry meetings, as follows:

  • Meetings may be seminars, conferences, trade shows, committee meetings, volunteer events (eg. Community working bees), or any other meeting where two or more industry people or people who are knowledgeable about their discipline.
  • Opportunity must exist for the student to learn through networking, observation and/or interaction with people who know their industry or discipline
  • A list of events should be submitted together with dates of each attended and times being claimed for each
  • Documentary evidence must be submitted to the school to indicate support each item on the above list (eg. Receipts from seminars, conference or shows, letters from committee or organisation secretaries or committee members. All such documentation must contain a contact details)


Alternative 3.

Credits can be achieved by completing standard modules Workshop I, II and/or III. Each of these modules comprises a series of “hands on” PBL projects, designed as learning experiences that involve interaction with the horticultural industry. Research shows that PBL gives the learner greater long-term benefits than traditional learning, and many successful and progressive universities around the world use it in their courses. Graduates of PBL courses advance faster and further in their careers.

Other benefits of PBL:

  • Develops critical and creative thinking;
  • Creates effective problem-solvers;
  • Increases motivation;
  • Encourages lateral thinking;
  • Improves communication and networking skills;

Every PBL project is carefully designed by experts to expose you to the information and skills that we want you to learn. When assigned a project, you are given:

  • A statement of the problem (eg. failing business; delivery of essential items delayed);
  • Questions to consider when solving the problem;
  • A framework for the time and effort you should spend on the project;
  • Support from the school.

The problems that you will solve in your course will relate to what you are learning. They are problems that you might encounter when working that field, adapted to your level of study .

Alternative 4.

If you do not work in the relevant industry, you may undertake a project as follows.

A project is based on applications in the work place and specifically aims to provide the student with the opportunity to apply and integrate skills and knowledge developed through various areas of formal study.

Students will design this project in consultation with a tutor to involve industry based activities in the area of specialized study which they select to follow in the course. The project outcomes may take the form of a written report, folio, visuals or a mixture of forms. Participants with relevant, current or past work experience will be given exemption from this project if they can provide suitable references from employers that show they have already fulfilled the requirements of this project.

For courses that involve more than 100 hours, more than one workplace project topic may be selected. For example, 200 hours may be split into two projects each of 100 hours. This will offer the student better scope to fulfill the needs of their course and to meet the number of hours required. Alternatively, the student may wish to do one large project with a duration of 200 hours.

Students will be assessed on how well they achieve the goals and outcomes they originally set as part of their negotiations with their tutor. During each 100 hours of the project, the students will present three short progress reports. These progress reports will be taken into account when evaluating the final submission. The tutor must be satisfied that the work submitted is original.

If the student wishes to do one large 200 hour report, then only three progressive reports will be needed (however the length of each report will be longer).

6. Exercise For Suppleness


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Advanced Certificate In Applied Management (Health And Fitness).
 Business Operations VBS006
 Industry Project BIP000
 Industry Project II BIP001
 Management VBS105
 Marketing Foundations VBS109
 Office Practices VBS102
Stream ModulesStudied after the core modules, stream modules cover more specific or niche subjects.
 Health and Wellbeing BRE101
 Personal Fitness VRE103
 Leisure Facility Management 1 BRE205

Note that each module in the Qualification - Advanced Certificate In Applied Management (Health And Fitness) is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

Why Study with ACS?

CONTENT: The ACS courses are longer, more in-depth, and cover more than what is prescribed for Fitness Leaders in both the UK and Australia. (In particular we offer more Human Biological Science).

EXCEPTIONAL TUTORS: In other fitness courses you may find you are being tutored by a tutor who holds only basic qualifications, and may have very little industry experience. ACS tutors by contrast hold university qualifications, and have extensive industry experience.

SET YOUR SELF APART FROM THE COMPETITION! It is well known that the key to success in any career is to be different in some way to your competition. We offer just that to our graduates by designing a course that delivers to you a set of skills and knowledge that surpasses those of your average fitness leader;. This course is for those who strive to be better than ordinary and want to come out of their qualification with more specialised knowledge than other graduates. As with any career, a qualification will get you the interview, but it is your knowledge, attitude, capacity to do the job, and your uniqueness that will get you the job.

Choose ACS and set yourself apart.

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