Stress Management

Course CodeVPS100
Fee CodeS1
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn to Control Stress 

  • Get some balance into your life, at work, home and play.
  • Understand stress and discover techniques for managing stress
  • Help others as a health or fitness professional, life coach, manager or friend 
  • Become more productive at work and happier all the time.
This is a flexible and comprehensive learning program that develops not only knowledge of stress, but a capacity to better manage stress. It is nominally a 100 hr study program. You can study at your own pace; taking as little or as long as you wish to complete the course.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Body Changes
    • Modern Day Stressors: Controls, Complexity, Competition, Computers, etc
    • Symptoms and Affects of Stress
    • The Muscle Response
    • Gastrointestinal Responses
    • Cardiovascular Responses
    • Skin Responses
    • The fight or flight response
    • Stress Effect on Wellbeing
    • Stress and the immune system
    • Stress Management Response Program
  2. Easy Living
    • Work Addiction
    • Understanding Stress Symptoms (Confusion, Depression, Changes in sleeping, eating or sexual habits, Mood changes, drugs)
    • Determining Cause of Stress
    • Deciding How to Deal with Stress
    • Terminology
    • Self Image
    • Tips for Relaxation (Massage, Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Hobbies, etc)
    • Controlling Stress
    • Too Little Stress
  3. Pills and Alcohol
    • Understanding Alcohol
    • What is Too Much Alcohol
    • Over the Counter or Non Prescription Drugs
    • Drugs Prescribed by a Doctor
    • Illegal Drugs
    • Seeking help
  4. Self Esteem
    • What is Self esteem
    • Realistic Expectations
    • Altering Your Perception
    • Social Support
    • Building Self Esteem in Others
  5. Managing Your Own Career
    • Work Satisfaction
    • Managing a Career
    • Reviewing Your Career
    • Standing Out and Progressing
  6. Security and Decision Making
    • Self assurance
    • Developing Security and Self Assurance
    • Analyzing Ourselves
    • Decision making
    • Strategy
    • Problem solving
  7. Relaxation and Nutrition
    • Relaxation
    • Nutrition; we are what we eat
    • Dietary Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals, and a Balanced Diet
    • Problems of Nutrition and Diet
    • Weight loss
    • Tips for Healthy Eating
  8. Personality and Stress
    • Relationship between Personality and Stress
    • Personality Types -Type A and Type B personalities
    • Introvert
    • Extrovert
    • Personal style inventory -How to Determine Personality Type


  • Identify changes that occur to the body as stress develops.
  • Identify the relationship between lifestyle and stress.
  • Discuss the impact of legal drugs on the psychology of a person.
  • Discuss the importance of self esteem in minimizing stress.
  • Determine options for career management that will minimize potential for stress.
  • Identify and address security issues that impact on stress levels.
  • Identify aspects of relaxation and nutrition in a person’s life that may impact upon
    • stress levels.
    • Identify the relationship between stress and personality type.

Tips for A Less Stress at Work

  • Find a better balance between career demands, family needs and personal desires.
  • Understand where you really are today.
  • Separate work/life worries so that they can each be dealt with more effectively.
  • Establishing what you can do to be less reliant on your employer for career progression.
  • Deciding what you want the future to be like.
  • Enjoy your job more.
  • Remove personal doubts and uncertainties about my career direction (self-esteem and decisiveness).
  • Assess your work skills, capabilities and talents.
  • Know your weaknesses, then work to improve them
  • Find alternative ways to progress and grow personally.
  • Increase your self confidence in my work activities.
  • Decide what is between where you are now and where you want to be.
  • Anticipate the future – don’t just wait for events to occur or crises to befall you.
  • Identify and schedule realistic personal goals.
  • Evaluate whether the best course is to seek promotion or transfer, resign, retire early, or change careers all together
  • Establish a deeper, more worthy meaning in my work.
  • Spend time thinking carefully about what you want to do for the remainder of your working life


What is an Appropriate amount of Sleep?
Research has shown clear links between sleeping difficulties and health e.g. poor sleeping habits can lower the immune system and make a person more susceptible to health conditions such as obesity, heart disease, stroke and depression. Poor sleeping habits can affect mood, energy levels, the ability to concentrate and ability to function at work and to sustain good relationships with friends and family.  Research has shown that between a third and a fifth of the population is affected by poor sleeping patterns which can mean that they are unable to get enough sleep, waking for long periods at night or waking too early/un-refreshed after a nights sleep perhaps as a result of snoring (sleep apnoea). The exact amount of time required to prevent sleeping problems is difficult to define. Some people can function well with as little as 4 hours of sleep a night while others need much more than this e.g. 8-12 hours. Generally people need less sleep when they are older e.g. people in their 70s often sleep for less than 6 hours. Poor sleep may be temporary for example as a result of stress or a change in routine or due to the effects of stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, or may become longer lasting e.g. with sleep apnoea or longer term stress/ depression. Treating poor sleep requires a regular pattern of sleeping and relaxation should be undertaken.  This allows the body to restore and repair, and enables mental stresses to be analysed and dealt with. Some general types to aid sleep include reduce intakes of caffeine, stopping or reducing smoking, exercising earlier in the day rather than a few hours before bedtime, having a lighter evening meal creating ideal conditions in the bedroom e.g. adequate darkness and an ideal temperature, getting into a routine where bedtime is at the same time each day and practicing relaxation techniques.
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