Supervision I

Course CodeVBS104
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.


Develop an understanding of factors affecting supervision and strategies for more effective supervision to increase productivity. The key to success of any company or organisation is good management and the key to good management is the supervisor. Good supervision is, in fact, the single most important factor in the success of any advanced economy.

What are the responsibilities of a supervisor? They may need to do a wide range of things; such as:

  • communicate with employees,
  • give directions,
  • set production goals and check performances,
  • give or conduct interviews,
  • communicate with other supervisors,
  • write reports and read them,
  • check and process communications (mail, messages, emails),
  • attend meetings,
  • make decisions about new projects,

The skills needed to handle this array of tasks are ‑

  1. Technical,
  2. Human,
  3. Conceptual.

This course will enlighten you, and provide experiences that will build your understanding of all these things and more.

Who should take this course?

  • Business owners to improve the productivity and profitability of your business;
  • Supervisors or managers, to strengthen their ability to direct others;
  • Workers seeking to develop their prospects for promotion

Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
    • Functions of a supervisor
    • Organisational structures & hierarchy
    • Bases for organisational structure
    • Organisational charts
    • Supervisory responsibilities
    • How supervisors fit into an organisation
    • What does a supervisor do?
  2. Understanding the Workplace
    • Government and private personnel departments, unions
    • Law and employees
    • Contracted responsibilities
    • Discrimination
    • Liability for staff actions
    • Workplace elements
  3. Communications and Human Relations
    • Influence in the workplace (formal authority, reward and punishment, knowledge, peadership, Power, etc)
    • Familiarity
    • Managing Aptitude (Status, Prestige, Loyalty, Security, Friendship, Personality, Workload, etc)
    • Good Business Writing, Memoranda, Letters
  4. Motivating Employees
    • Internal Incentives
    • Environmental Incentives
    • Practical ways to motivate
  5. Organising the Workplace
    • Good work habits
    • Planning a work schedule
    • Establishing priorities
    • Improving results
    • Project planning and management tools
    • Organising the work space
  6. Problem Solving Techniques
    • Solving problems
    • Guidelines for making decisions
    • Types of problem solvers
    • Different ways to solve problems
    • Involving others
    • A Classic Problem Solving Technique
  7. Discipline, complaints and grievances
    • Levels of discipline (reprimanding, fixing, blame, formal warning, removing privileges, termination of employment, legal action)
    • Increasing self-discipline
    • Introducing change
    • Giving orders
  8. Interviewing, recruitment, training
    • Job interviews
    • Successful interviewing
    • Resumes and CVs
    • Training Staff
    • Staff Procedure Documents
    • Staff contracts
  9. Work place safety
    • Cost of injury and illness
    • Duty of Care
    • Accidents
    • Managing manual work safely
    • Protective equipment
  10. Dealing with management/worker participation/ report writing/ staff meetings
    • Purpose of meetings
    • Leading a meeting
    • Problems with meetings
    • Meeting documentation


  • Explain and create an organisational chart.
  • Describe the five basic kinds of Unions.
  • Report on what you expect to achieve by practicing good human relations.
  • Define objectives, goals, tasks to be achieved.
  • Describe what steps should be taken before re organising a section or department?
  • Draw up a work area for an office, factory etc.
  • Show step by step how you would work through the problem solving technique systematically, in order to determine a good way of dealing with this problem.
  • Write a diplomatic letter to a union in response to a complaint.
  • Draw up a suitable advertisement for a position of a "Salesperson"
  • Explain the methods most frequently used to train new employees.

Giving Staff Feedback
Sometimes staff need to be given feedback on their performance – good and bad, so managers may have to hold appraisal or disciplinary interviews.
An Appraisal Interview
An appraisal or review interview is where a manager and staff member will meet up to discuss how they are performing.  It is important to prepare properly before the interview. It is useless to run an appraisal of someone if you are not conscious of how they have been working. Appraisal should be dialogue. Employees will expect an opportunity to discuss their work.
The focus should be on their performance at work, not their personality. Their ability to meet a set range of pre-determined objectives or goals should be part of the process. It should also focus on what they do well and what they could improve upon and support on how they can do that effectively, including a few strategies and possibly an outline of proposed professional development. There is little point discussing things that neither you nor the employee has the capacity to do anything about.
Don’t reach conclusions or make decisions (or promises) in an appraisal interview unless the interviewee has had a chance of putting their opinion forward first. 
Always finish on a positive note if possible. Staff appraisals are usually carried out annually at an agreed time.
A Disciplinary Interview
Sometimes it is necessary to discipline staff, so maintaining a positive note is not always possible.  Prepare properly before the interview. It is useless to discipline someone if you are not fully conscious of how they have been working, and everything that has been going on around that person.
Before doing any disciplinary interview, be sure that you are aware of –
  • Disciplinary procedures within your organisation
  • Union rules and regulations that might apply
  • Legislation regarding employment in your country
You need to be aware of all this before carrying out a disciplinary interview to ensure that you “follow the rules”. This preparation is necessary  not only so  you are informed about various aspects that may arise in the discussion, but also in case the staff member decides to take action against you in the future for cases such as unfair dismissal.  
Also, consider – 
  • The person’s history
  • Is their recent performance out of character?
  • Has something happened in their life recently?  Have you asked?
  • Consider influences outside work, such as illness, money, family issues – all of these can affect how a person performs at work.  
  • Also consider if there have been any issues at work. Have they had difficulties with another staff member? With you? With a customer? Could these cause difficulties?  
Do not talk too much, let the person talk. Ask open questions to draw out explanations and information and listen carefully to their responses. Try to find out what is going on.  Read their body language - including the
 posture, eye contact, listening and reflection activities. There may be something going on that you are not aware of, so try to find out what this is. Sometimes there are rational and logical reasons why a person has behaved inappropriately, which can be resolved without taking disciplinary action. Sometimes though disciplinary action is required and this should be handled well.
Whatever happens – 
  • Do not prejudge the case, be open minded
  • Look at the facts and what has occurred
  • Try not to be influenced by opinions and hearsay or gossip from other staff
  • Try to finish on a positive (if possible)
  • Ensure that everything is recorded well and agreed by both parties and that this is signed off by both parties.


There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:

  • The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place, helping to improve the way in which you supervise your team
  • Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
  • Knowledge of these key areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
  • Having the knowledge of different supervision techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
  • Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
  • When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!

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