Weight Management Nutrition

Course CodeBRE210
Fee CodeS3
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn How Food, Weight and Health are Inter-related

A course for
  • Students of human health and nutrition
  • Anyone working in the health or food industries
  • Health practitioners, fitness professionals, health support staff, food services and suppliers 
  • Weight management consultants

Lesson Structure

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Understanding Obesity
    • What is obesity
    • Types’ of Obesity Hyperplasia or Hypertrophy of Fats Cells
    • Dietary Trends and the Incidence of Obesity
    • Factors Influencing Food Intake and Habits
    • Physiological factors which determine food intake
    • Environmental and behavioural factors which determine food intake:
    • Causes of Obesity (Genetics, Lifestyle, Exercise, Eating habits, Water intake, Changing metabolism through life, Medical conditions and disease, Psychology)
    • Health Risks of Obesity
    • Understanding Weight
    • Body composition
    • Evaluation Techniques Body Mass Index (BMI)
  2. Nutrition Basics
    • Why we need food
    • Nutrient Reference Value (NRV)
    • Understanding Digestion and Absorption
    • How we process food
    • Basic Roles of Major Digestive Organs
    • Food Composition (Carbohydrates, Protens, Fats, etc)
    • Fibre
    • Need for Fluids
    • The Glycaemic Index (GI)
    • Calculating Energy Requirements
    • Basal Metabolic Rate
    • Food Pyramid and Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
    • What is the recommended intake of nutrients?
    • New food pyramid and normal eating patterns
    • Childhood Obesity
  3. Diets -Fads, Fiction and Fact
    • A Review of Popular Approaches to Weight Loss and Control
    • Vegetarian Diets
    • Starvation
    • Very Low Calorie and Liquid Diets
    • Commercial Low Calorie Meal Substitutes
    • Commercial Low Calorie Meal Substitutes
    • Blood type diet
    • Food combining
    • Detox Diets
    • Low carbohydrate diets
    • Low Glycaemic index diet (low GI)
    • Sweeteners
    • Low fat diets
    • Fat Substitutes
    • Fat burning diets
    • Supplements
    • Guidelines for Childhood Weight Loss
  4. Preventing Obesity
    • Introduction
    • Metabolism Keeping the Metabolic Rate Stable
    • Making the best food choices
    • Nutritional Education
    • Teaching Healthy Eating Habits to Children
    • Health Initiatives Targeting Obesity
    • Public Health Information
    • Legislative controls
  5. Treating Obesity
    • Methods that Work
    • Assessment of Clients or Patients
    • Modifying Behaviour
    • Prescribing Diets
    • Life Coach and Personal Trainer
    • Weight Loss Hypnosis
    • Self-help Groups
    • Health Clubs, Health Farms and Holiday Retreats
    • A Holistic Approach
    • Supplements
  6. Modifying Eating Behaviour
    • Key Stages in Behaviour Changes
    • Cultural food patterns
    • How to Make Lifelong Changes
    • Assess Current Diet (patterns and nutritional value)
    • Plan for Change
    • Seek Motivation and Support from Others
    • Improving Health Through Food
    • Diseases Linked to Obesity
    • Changing Unhealthy Habits
  7. Restricting Calorie Intake
    • Understanding Energy and Metabolism
    • Metabolism
    • Energy Metabolism
    • Age (Growth and Aging) and Metabolism
    • Activity and Metabolism
    • Calorie Restricted Diets
  8. Medical Conditions: Hormones, Drugs, Eating Disorders
    • Nutrition During Disease
    • Childhood Diabetes
    • Link between Medication and Diet
    • Drugs and Hormones Prescribed for Weight Management
    • Diet Pills
    • Thyroid hormone
    • Somatropin (Growth Hormone
    • Weight Loss Surgery
    • Lipoplasty (Liposuction)
    • Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)
    • Anorexia Nervosa
    • Bulimia Nervosa
  9. Planning a Diet
    • A major Problem Based Learning Project

What Type of Person Are You?
Physical characteristics that are inherited from our parents can affect health. 
Genetic predispositions to certain diseases means consideration must be given to aspects of their diet. There are many different health disorders that are affected by genetics
Although everyone is genetically different, people’s body types can generally be categorised into three different physiques. These are ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. Whilst many people are combinations of two of the body types, they will generally be predominantly one or the other. 
The classic ectomorph physique is tall and skinny with a small waist, small joints and a delicate appearance. They have a very fast metabolism so find it easy to shed weight, but difficult to gain muscle mass. They have long, thin muscles and low strength. To maintain body mass they need to eat a high calorie diet, consisting of lots of complex carbohydrates. They can get away with eating more fat than other body types because of their high metabolism, but for good health, need to consider eating quality calories, not just quantity.
The endomorph is characterised by an increased amount of fat storage, and a slow metabolism. They have a wide waist, a large bone structure, shorter arms and legs and a round body. Endomorphs often have a degree of carbohydrate or insulin sensitivity, and typically find it very difficult to lose weight. They typically have reasonable muscle strength, and an ability to build muscles through training. Endomorphs need to strictly monitor their calorie intake, and include foods high in protein and fibre in their diet. 
The mesomorph is characterised by a muscular build, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. They typically have large bones and a solid torso. They build muscles easily, have fast metabolisms and have low fat storage. Mesomorphs have some flexibility in their diets but should eat a balanced diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates.
Fat Storage 
Another inherited physical characteristic that can affect health and therefore impact on dietary considerations, is where a person tends to store fat.
The two main places are around the stomach (creating an “apple” shape), and around the buttocks, thighs and hips (creating a “pear” shape).
People who store fat around their waists is at a greater risk of health problems associated with obesity, including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The fat stored around the hips, thighs and buttocks is subcutaneous fat (under the skin). Whilst subcutaneous fat is relatively visible, it is also relatively harmless. The fat stored around the stomach is visceral fat, which packs itself around the abdominal organs. Some visceral fat is necessary for protection around the abdominal organs, however when too much fat accumulates around the inner organs it can have serious health implications. Excess visceral fat creates an environment that is primed for obesity related diseases by decreasing insulin sensitivity, decreasing levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, raising blood pressure, and increasing inflammation.
Where people tend to store fat cannot be changed, but good health and control of excessive weight can be maintained by eating a balanced diet, moderating calorie intake and keeping fit.

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