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Poultry Husbandry BAG208
Learn to Manage Poultry for Profit, Pleasure or Home Egg Production Of all livestock enterprises, poultry can be the least expensive and least demanding enterprises to set up. Whether a small flock for home use or a start up commercial farm, you don't need large acreage, and you can start seeing results from production much faster than you might see with other types of animal production.  Comment from a former ACS Student: "I work in farm animal welfare (on a chicken campaign).  It didn't make sense to work on a campaign about a subject I knew nothing about.  The amount of research I did for each assignment taught me so much more than I ever could have learned on my own... I would just like to say how much I enjoyed this course and dealing with your school.  I got answers quickly, and help was always available.  You don't always find that in a correspondence school.  My experience has been so positive I will be signing up for another course shortly".  Hindy, UK. The course covers all aspects of poultry care and management including: Terminology, Breeds, Nutrition, Diseases In Poultry, Layers, Broilers, Incubation, Brooding, Record Keeping, Economics & Marketing. A comprehensive course for both home chicken raising and farm workers.

Broiler Poultry
Read our article about broiler chickens - their rearing and feeding. Learn about Poultry and Animal Husbandry with ACS Distance Education. Established in 1979, we offer a great range of specialist courses taught by experienced tutors. Our courses are studied online or by eLearning, and can be started at any time.

Caring For Chickens and Other Poultry SGA3
Learn to Keep Chickens and other Types of Poultry. ·Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, and more ·Make better choices of what to keep ·Appreciate the ease or difficulty involved depending on what you choose to raise ·Develop a solid foundation upon which to build your experience and grow your knowledge  

Poultry BAG208
ONLINE COURSE POULTRY  ACS Student Comment: [The course] has helped me to get into College to study Countryside and Environment Management. I have always been interested in all animals especially poultry and the college tutors were impressed with my knowledge. So I am very pleased I did this course. My mum is now thinking about taking the Goat course, as she breeds Pygmy and Golden Guernsey goats and says she would enjoy learning more about them. Aaron May, UK, Poultry course. LEARN TO CARE FOR POULTRY - CHICKENS, GEESE, DUCKS Poultry BAG 208 is for both people wishing to work in the poultry industry and  amateur enthusiasts, the course examines diet, breeding, vaccination, pests and diseases and much more. This thorough and comprehensive poultry course has 8 lessons: Terminology, Breeds , Nutrition, Diseases In Poultry, Layers, Broilers, Incubation, Brooding, Record Keeping, Economics & Marketing. 

Qualification - Advanced Diploma In Agriculture - Animal Husbandry VAG005
Are you interested in a career working with animals? Work in animal production at a technician or management level Train to work in animal production at a technician or management level, for example, as a farm manager, technical representative, trainer, consultant or marketing manager. Modules include: Animal Husbandry, Pasture Management, Soil Science, Animal Breeding, Animal Behaviour, Animal Feed and Nutrition, Animal Husbandry, Horse Care, Cattle Production, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Aquaculture, Dairy Cattle Management, Calf Rearing, Irrigation, Engineering, Business Studies, Permaculture, Sustainable Agriculture, and Workplace Health and Safety. 

Qualification - Certificate In Agriculture VAG001
A Foundation Course for Farmers and Farm Workers Designed for the new farmer or those aiming towards employment in this field. This course will give you the knowledge and skills required to run or work confidently on a specialised or mixed farm. Core units equip you with all the basics needed for general animal health, farm management and all important marketing skills. Choose three elective units from a list that includes soil and pasture management and also gives you the opportunity to specialise in specific farm animals i.e. calf rearing, poultry, beef or dairy cattle etc. An excellent starting point to learn the fundamentals of farming.

Qualification - Proficiency Award in Self Sufficiency (with specialism in Mushrooms) VSS113
Discover how to Be More Self-Sufficient  If you want to be more self-sufficient, start your own business or even grow mushrooms for pleasure, this distance learning course blends practical advice and theory. Learn about how to grow and produce optimum levels of a range of crops, including mushrooms, through providing the best environment for growth.   The course consists of three core modules - Self Sufficiency I and II and Mushroom Production - and a 200 hour research project focusing on self-sufficiency and mushroom production. The self-sufficiency components guide you through growing fruits and vegetables, keeping poultry and bees, grazing animals and country crafts, as well as preparation and use of home-grown produce.

Qualification -Certificate In Self Sufficiency ASS102
ONLINE CERTIFICATE COURSE IN SUSTAINABLE LIVING BECOME SELF SUFFICIENT NOW WITH THIS PRACTICAL COURSE A unique qualification which may be undertaken with a view to preparing for a change in the way you live or perhaps in preparation for establishing a business or career providing services to the community in this discipline. The course develops skills in producing your own day to day products using low cost, environmental friendly practices. The Certificate covers (but is not limited to): · mud brick building, · growing fruit and vegetables, herbs and other crops organically, · raising poultry, sheep and goats, · nutrition and creating a balanced diet, · alternative energy supplies, · permaculture, and sustainable agriculture · alternative energy. “This is a certificate level course that provides the skills to earn extra income as a consultant in this field. Be self-sufficient and earn money too.” - Adriana Fraser Cert.Hort., Cert.Child Care, Adv.Cert.App.Mgt., Cert 1V Assessment and Training, Adv.Dip.Hort., ACS Tutor.

Self Sufficiency I ASS100
Learn how to live self-sufficiently in this modern age! Develop your ability to be self-sufficient. Learn about food and nutrition, and making the right decisions about changes in lifestyle; as well as showing you how to do a whole range of practical things such as: · Mud brick building. · Making crafts. · Growing fruit, vegetables, herbs, and other crops. · Raising poultry, sheep and goats. · Extending the life of clothing. · Conserving energy. · Recycling. · Simple home medical care and first aid, and lots more.

Breeding Animals BAG301
Study Livestock Breeding Online Plan and implement breeding programs Plan and implement animal breeding programs using genetic theory, practical applications to daily husbandry practice, and management of animal breeding programs. This course includes a sound introduction to genetics. Relevant to any type of animal. Personal guidance from highly qualified and experienced animal scientists and practitioners. Topics covered include: introduction to genetics; selection; pure breeding; introduction to cross breeding; cross breeding and livestock improvement. using genetic theory, practical applications to daily husbandry practice, and management of animal breeding programs. Animal breeding can be anything from a serious hobby, a part time business (breeding and selling pets), through to a very serious and possibly highly sophisticated profession. The course provides an excellent starting point whatever level you plan to operate at.

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