Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Herb Production

Course CodeVHT057
Fee CodeFD
Duration (approx)1000 hours
QualificationFoundation Diploma

Find Your Niche Working with Herbs

The herb industry is large and broad. For anyone who understands how to identify, propagate, grow, harvest, process and manufacture herbs - the opportunities are endless.

Studying this course lays a foundation that is broad, raising your awareness, skills and knowledge to new levels in the herb industry.

This intensive course gives a detailed insight into herb production and culture, scented plants, medicinal herbs, marketing, irrigation and more.

  • study by distance learning
  • started at any time to suit you.
  • supported by our practically experienced and excellent professionally trained tutors. 


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Herb Production.
 Herb Culture BHT114
 Plant Taxonomy BHT344
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 7 of the following 13 modules.
 Aromatherapy VHT104
 Crops I (Outdoor Plant Production) BHT112
 Permaculture I (Permaculture Foundations) VSS104
 Aromatherapy Health Applications BRE215
 Culinary Herbs VHT242
 Greenhouse Management BHT257
 Growing Lavender BHT228
 Medicinal Herbs BHT227
 Permaculture Systems BHT201
 Roses BHT231
 Scented Plants BHT229
 Herbal Products Manufacturing BHT345
 Soil Management (Crops) BHT303

Note that each module in the Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Herb Production is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

If you would like to improve your job prospects in herb production and culture, this course provides you with a wide and detailed knowledge of herbs -

  • herb production
  • herb culture
  • marketing
  • irrigation
  • growing crops
  • and much more.....

This course is useful for anyone wanting to work with herbs or improve their job prospects and knowledge in their existing job.

Why delay? Enrol Today!




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