Qualification - Certificate in Agricultural Business

Course CodeBAG112
Fee CodeCT
Duration (approx)600 hours


This certificate has been designed for students who require the business skills needed to run a successful agricultural business enterprise.

  • On farm, or
  • Off farm

During your course of studies you will learn basic bookkeeping skills and farm management, as well as study the elements of sucessful marketing strategies. You consolidate these core studies with more business-oriented modules or may choose electives that will develop your understanding of different types of agricultural production entities.

Many people have excellent practical expertise in crop production or grazing animal management, but may lack the key understandings of  farm bookkeeping  and sales management. It is important for any business that accurate figures are kept so that production figures can be correctly analysed and management practices and/or sales strategies adjusted accordingly. This course will provide these basic skills.



Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Certificate in Agricultural Business.
 Bookkeeping Foundations BBS103
 Farm Management BAG104
 Agricultural Marketing BAG304
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 3 of the following 21 modules.
 Crops I (Outdoor Plant Production) BHT112
 Sales Skills VBS108
 Soil Management (Agriculture) BAG103
 Starting A Small Business VBS101
 Workplace Health & Safety VBS103
 Aquaculture -Marine BAG220
 Beef Cattle Management BAG206
 Dairy Cattle Management BAG205
 Fish Farming & Aquaculture BAG211
 Hydroponics I BHT224
 Hydroponics II - Hydroponic Management BHT213
 Pasture Management BAG212
 Pig Husbandry BAG209
 Plant Breeding BHT236
 Poultry Husbandry BAG208
 Sheep Husbandry BAG210
 Sustainable Agriculture BAG215
 Weed Control BHT209
 Environmental Assessment BEN301
 Organic Agriculture and Farming BAG305
 Organic Plant Culture BHT302

Note that each module in the Qualification - Certificate in Agricultural Business is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


This e-book looks at everything you need to improve your farm management skills. Learn about the farm site, production systems, managing livestock, managing pasture, crops, marketing and more. 



 How our Courses Differ

  • Courses are continually improved –we invite feedback from all graduates and change courses immediately the need is detected.
  • Courses are relevant to the whole world –we try hard to teach make the learning transferable to any region or country because the world is increasingly a global economy
  • Courses written by our staff, teach different skills to standard courses; giving a unique mix of skills and knowledge to provide a career advantage. Do you want an accredited certificate and the same skills as 100 other job applicants; or one of our courses with skills that no other applicants have?
  • Certificates and diplomas are longer. They teach you more, and our qualifications have built a reputation amongst academics and industry as being a very high standard for this reason.
  • We are focused on helping you learn in a way that improves your capacity to understand your discipline, apply knowledge, and continue learning and developing your capabilities beyond your course.

These things cannot be always said of other colleges.


Career Opportunities

Study alone can never guarantee career success; but a good education is an important starting point.

Success in a career depends upon many things. A course like this is an excellent starting point because it provides a foundation for continued learning, and the means of understanding and dealing with issues you encounter in the workplace.

When you have completed an ACS course, you will have not only learnt about the subject, but you will have been prompted to start networking with experts in the discipline and shown how to approach problems that confront you in this field.

This and every other industry in today’s world is developing in unforeseen ways; and while that is unsettling for anyone who wants to be guaranteed a particular job at the end of a particular course; for others, this rapidly changing career environment is offering new and exciting opportunities almost every month.

If you want to do the best that you can in this industry, you need to recognise that the opportunities that confront you at the end of a course, are probably different to anything that has even been thought of when you commence a course.

You can study the modules listed above as stand alone courses,  but other courses that may also interest you include -




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