Qualification - Certificate in Leisure Management

Course CodeVRE018
Fee CodeCT
Duration (approx)600 hours




Develop the skills needed to establish and manage a successful Leisure Industry Service or Facility. This is an essential course for anyone already working in the leisure or fitness industries, those wanting to advance their career in these industries and those looking for that foot in the door. The course is based on three core modules which focus on Leisure facility management, leisure facility marketing and project management. Students may then select three modules from an extensive range of relevant electives. Electives include Fitness Risk Management, Leadership, Human Resources (Recreation Management), Aquafitness, Resistance and Gym Supervision, Leisure Facility Management II and more. We believe that this strong and practical blend of subjects will give our students the edge.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Certificate in Leisure Management.
 Leisure Management (Marketing) BRE103
 Leisure Facility Management 1 BRE205
 Project Management BBS201
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 3 of the following 8 modules.
 Fitness Risk Management VRE104
 Leadership BBS110
 Recreation Management - Human Resources BRE104
 Aquafitness BRE207
 Recreation Management - Financial & Clerical BRE204
 Resistance and Gym Supervision BRE206
 Leisure Facility Management II BRE306
 Recreation Management - Policies & Procedures BRE305

Note that each module in the Qualification - Certificate in Leisure Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

More about what is covered in this course

The three compulsory modules are as outlined below:

Leisure Facility Management I  BRE205

This module has thirteen lessons as outlined below:
1. The Scope of Recreation Facility Management
2. The Nature of Recreation Facility Management
3. Legal Requirements for Construction
4. Planning Construction Work
5. Indoor Equipment
6. Outdoor Equipment
7. Safety Procedures
8. Equipment Needs
9. Purchasing
10. Bookings
11. Contingencies
12. Insurance Issues
13. Managing a Recreation Facility

Project Management BBS201

There are nine lessons as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Project Identification
3. Project Planning
4. Project Implementation
5. Project Completion & Evaluation
6. Technical Project Management Skills
7. Leadership Skills
8. Common Project Problems -Improving Key Personnel Skills
9. Major Assignment

Marketing for the Leisure Industry BRE103

This module has ten lessons as outlined below:
1. Introduction to Marketing
2. Marketing Strategy
3. Media Promotions
4. Promotional Materials
5. Complaints
6. Managing Membership Levels
7. Sponsorship & Fundraising
8. Managing Events
9. Managing Promotional Activities
10. Delivering a market sensitive recreation service.


Three more elective modules will provide an opportunity to specialise and focus on some thgings that are more related to each individual student's interests or needs.

Planning for and Providing Leisure Facilities

Leisure managers are concerned with providing facilities, equipment, materials and services to the leisure industries. This covers a very diverse range of jobs, from manufacturing and marketing of sports and gym equipment, to building facilities and organising events. Leisure enterprises can be small or large, public enterprises or private, profit making businesses.
This course prepares you with a foundation for working in any type of leisure business; and when you build on that foundation with experience and further learning (formal or informal), you have a very real opportunity to excel in this industry.

Creating or Recreating Facilities 

One of the most challenging and rewarding jobs in leisure management can be to create a new facility from scratch, then launch the facility and manage it's use.
An example - Creating a New Swimming Pool
If you are fortunate enough to be involved in the planning phase of a pool, which will be used for aqua fitness, you can create an ideal situation for potential clients.  There are many things to consider, from the structural design, to aesthetic design and associated facilities.
Structural Considerations
Here is a brief list of structural considerations that should be made when looking at installing a pool.  While not extensive in detail, it is a good starting point in selecting a suitable venue, for the planning process of a new building a facility, or in providing advice to architects involved in the design.
  • What space can be provided? Space is needed to handle air movement into and through the facility. This is especially important in a high humidity atmosphere. Check for soil bearing capacity (a pool full of water weighs a great deal). Some types of clays, for example, are prone to shrinking and expanding as their moisture levels fluctuate - engineering advice is crucial.
  • Plan so that you do not need to remove too much soil from the site, ideally cut and fill should roughly balance. Some excess soil can be used for mounding as wind protection or sitting areas.
  • What type of pool is needed? For example, conventional or flexible (e.g. with a movable floor that can cover the pool, allowing the facility to be used for alternative events/activities).
  • Filtration systems needs to be carefully designed (chlorination, salt, etc.,) and located for easy access and maintenance by pool staff.
  • Heating also needs careful consideration. Temperature of water is affected by various things - not just heating. In tropical climates, pools can get too hot in summer and ice is sometimes added to make the water coo enough to use. Shading from direct sun can help insulate a pool in such a situation. 
  • Careful consideration needs to be given to the type and amount (in area) of various cladding materials available to enclose indoor pools. Large areas of glass, or plastics can cause temperatures to rise indoors in sunny conditions (they act like a greenhouse), but at night and in overcast conditions a lot of heat can be lost. There needs to be a balance between, the use of such materials to allow good light transmission into the pool area, and minimisation of heat loss through the material. The use of double glazing or double layered plastic coverings can significantly reduce heat loss, although there will be small reductions in the amount of light transmitted through.
  • Siting, size, type and numbers of access points (e.g. doors) can also have a considerable impact on heating costs. Some exterior doors may be kept closed throughout cooler seasons, and only opened at warmer times when the pool area can be cooled by increased air flow through the pool area. Self-closing doors can also significantly reduce heat loss, by ensuring that doors will close after people have passed through. 2-stage door systems, where people have to pass through two doors with an airlock type set up between them can also reduce the amount of warm lost to the outside.
  • Lighting - this can be provided for safety, security, and to maximise use of the pool areas. Making use, as much as possible (without losing to much heat from the building), of natural lighting can significantly reduce energy costs.  
Use/Clientele Considerations
The first you need to do is establish what clientele you will likely have, or that you aim to attract. What are their recreation needs and usage requirements (e.g. how many people do you expect to use the facility, when will the peak use times be, how often, and for how long)?  Do you include provision for disabled groups; do local laws insist on this? Will the complex also feature gymnasium, aerobics, baby-sitting, a kiosk, a restaurant, etc.?  What types of pool or pools are needed, for example, a learner pool, conventional pool, leisure pool, spas, and saunas? 
Local council recreation surveys and population studies, and information from national statistical bureaus/bodies (e.g. The Australian Bureau of Statistics) can often be a good starting point in obtaining such information. It is important to identify your target groups, especially in terms of location of the pool. Assessing the patronage of other pools (if any) in the area, can also give you a good idea how many people are using the pool/s and what types of activities they participate in. It may also give an indication of what groups are being neglected and may be in need of these types of facilities.
Establishing a particular atmosphere is also very important.  This can be used as a marketing tool - to promote use by target groups. For example you might provide a naturalistic pool or a tropical leisure area, or water slides and wave machines. Many resort hotels for example, in warmer climates, have extensive pool systems that attempt to recreate beach or lagoon conditions. They may have such things as artificial beaches, sand covered bases, tropical gardens, waterfalls into the pool/s, even artificial reefs and colourful fish. Such a setting is suitable for a resort, retirement, or even family groups.  However, those interested in aqua fitness for beneficial exercise, may prefer a setting that is more purpose built with associated gymnasium facilities or spa and sauna.
The poolside viewing areas should also be considered, both in terms of providing a good view but also providing some areas of privacy. Viewing areas might include benches, tables and chairs (perhaps with shade protection such as umbrellas), or lounge chairs for sun baking. For heated pools, a separate cooler area (e.g. with observation windows) may be required for observers (e.g. waiting parents). However, you may choose to keep lounge chairs or "comfort" features away from areas to be used for exercise.  In the case of younger groups, some accommodation must be made for parents.  But older groups may be discouraged from participating if they feel they are too much "on display". A quiet area for classes can have the added advantage of minimising distractions to students while classes are underway.
Any likely present and future financial constraints must also be taken into consideration at the planning stage. The pool must be the right size for the community that will use it. What do you want and what can you, or the people you represent, afford? Trying to establish a comprehensive facility that costs a great deal of money, is not going to do you much good financially, if you don't have enough clients to support the facility. Likewise, unless you provide facilities of a suitable quality and type, you won't attract patrons, or soon lose those that you do attract. Cost considerations will include the cost of initial building and surrounds, plus running and maintenance costs. These need to be balanced against estimated/projected income.
Layout and Associated Facilities
Aside from the desired atmosphere that you are trying to create at the facility, there are some practical layout issues that must be met. If the facility is outside, locate for maximum sunlight and privacy. Screen the pool area and surrounds from prevailing winds, by providing wind breaks (e.g. tree plantings, semi-permeable fences).  While it is important to offer wind and sun protection, avoid heavily shaded areas and trees with extensive root systems. These can minimise sunlight reaching the pool, making it too cool for comfortable swimming and the roots can damage paved areas, pipework, even the pool itself. Any leaf fall also makes the water hard to keep clean.
Indoor facilities have a whole other range of considerations, including adequate ventilation, heating and cooling and lighting.  Another factor to consider is an indoor/outdoor situation, where the pool can be covered in the cooler months and opened in the hotter weather.  Some advantages to this "open roof" include permanent windbreak, no effect from surrounding vegetation (root or leaf drop problems) and plenty of fresh air available for at least part of the year.
Associated facilities to also be considered are:
  • Safety and first aid rooms (including the level of safety training of staff). 
  • Reception and offices - these areas should be designed so that they are sealed off from the hot, humid pool areas; condensation can damage computer-ware. The reception area can also act as a heat lock to prevent heat escaping in winter months.
  • Food outlets - although you want these near the pool areas you do not want health problems and most are usually located in areas near the main pool entrance or in deck- level areas overlooking the pool. 
  • Shower and toilet facilities - recently we have seen the incorporation into pool facilities of the family\group style change room. They include family and individual changing cubicles and feature a wet and dry movement system in which you enter your cubicle from one side (the "dry passage") and exit the cubicle towards the pool along the "wet" corridor.    Showers location can also be important.  They should be located so that they are easy to use before getting into the pool - encouraging people to rinse before entering the water.  They should also be readily accessible after leaving the pool (particularly for outdoor pools). This ensures that patrons don't cool down too much when they leave a warm pool (before reaching the shower), or that they can quickly get to a warm shower after leaving a cool pool.
  • Maintenance areas - consider the overall cleaning requirements of the facility. Where and how will you store necessary equipment and materials (e.g. cleaning agents, machinery such as mowers) so that they are secure, protected from the elements, but are readily accessed by authorised staff?
  • Staff areas - there should be ready access from staff areas to all parts of the pool complex however access to the staff areas should be only available to authorised people (keyed access may be required from the pool area).
  • Parking and access. There should be clear and safe access from car parking areas to the facility entrance.
  • Lighting will be required in such areas if the facility is used at night. Suitable plantings can be made to provide summer shade for cars, but species should be chosen that are unlikely to pose safety risks (e.g. dropped branches; or spines, thorns or allergy causing foliage). Low growing plants, or taller ones that have foliage to a low level, may create security risks, blocking off clear views to patron’s cars, or provide places that people could hide behind.

Why Study with ACS?

• Reputation: well-known and respected in leisure management
• Industry focus: courses designed to suit industry needs and expectations
• Different focus: develop problem solving skills that make you stand out from others
• Hands on: develop practical as well as theoretical skills
• Lots of help: dedicated and knowledgeable tutors.
• Efficient: prompt responses to your questions
• Reliable: established in 1979, independent school with a solid history
• Up to date: courses under constant review
• Resources:  huge wealth of constantly developing intellectual property
• Value: courses compare very favourably on a cost per study hour basis
• Student amenities: online student room, bookshop, ebooks, acs garden online resources.

Meet some Of our academics

John Mason

John Mason is one of Australia's most prolific writers. He saw his first work published when at secondary school, where he worked on the school magazine. In 1973 he was writing a weekly column for his local newspaper and by 1975 he was a regular contributor to Australia's national magazine "Your Garden". John was engaged by Victoria's Dept of Youth, Sport and Recreation to write a book on Fun and Fitness Trails in 1978. In 1981 he saw two more books published (one in America, another in Australia), and commenced writing regularly for the Self Sufficiency Magazine, Grass Roots. John is a long term member of the Australian Society of Authors, the Garden Media Guild (UK) and the Horticultural Media Association (Australia). He has written or contributed to over 100 books, many published by international publishers and published more than 2,000 articles across a range of genres (Gardening, Education, Business, Farming, Fitness). In addition, John has contributed to and overseen the development of more than 600 distance education courses which encompass around 20 million words. He has been an avid photographer for 40 years, building a collection of over 100,000 images, which are used to illustrate his work. His marine animal photos are even used by Legoland in England, on their Atlantis ride! Writer, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.

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