Qualification - Certificate in Wedding Planning and Event Management

Course CodeVTR014
Fee CodeCT
Duration (approx)600 hours


Weddings are magical occasions that those in the event industry get to witness time and time again, but managing this type of event takes commitment and specific skills. Many of these are transferable, and doing this course will enable you to develop your knowledge across general events, but also specific information about weddings. 

So, do you want to do any of the following:

  • Run your own business
  • Enhance existing skills
  • Develop your career in weddings and events
  • Understand more about the event sector
  • Provide an excellent service to clients

If the answer is 'yes', and you want the opportunity to cover a vast array of different areas then this is the course for you!

Join the course to discover more about:

  • Organisation
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Planning
  • Business planning
  • Food and Beverage

And start building your dream career today!


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Certificate in Wedding Planning and Event Management.
 Business Studies BBS101
 Wedding Planning BTR104
 Event Management BRE209
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 3 of the following 10 modules.
 Food & Beverage Management (Catering) BTR102
 Html - Writing An Internet Website VIT102
 Introduction To Photography BPH100
 Introduction To Psychology BPS101
 Advertising and Promoting BBS202
 Conflict Management BPS201
 Entrepreneurship BBS204
 Project Management BBS201
 Wedding Photography BPS206
 Business Planning BBS302

Note that each module in the Qualification - Certificate in Wedding Planning and Event Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

What is Event Management?

Event management is the process of making an event happen, from planning to the staging of the event to the conclusion of the process.

Event managers need to have a firm understanding of the event planned and the reasons for holding it - the What, Where, Why and Who?

  • What type of event is to be held and what is the budget?
  • Where is it to be held?
  • Why is the event being held?
  • Who is the event being held for, who are the supporters, and who is to be involved?

A well-managed event will meet the needs of its patrons. Private clients who use event managers to plan and implement their event will often have pre-set ideas on how the event should be run and may have very high expectations. They pay the Event Manager to ensure that all their ideas will work and the event lives up to their expectations. They may also expect the organiser to come up with a range of innovative and interesting ideas. This requires skills beyond those of an organisational and management nature.

An example may be a birthday party for a very wealthy client. The client may expect the Event Manager to show an extraordinary depth of imagination i.e. in the decorations used, the layout of the room, the menu planning and so on. The wealthy client may want the ‘party to beat all parties’. Second best may not be good enough.

It is wise for the event manager, irrelevant of the size and nature of the event, to use the approach: ‘That’s good enough’ is not good enough. Aim for excellence. Developing an excellent reputation is the best way to ensure ongoing work.

Event management also includes planning and organizing the supply of equipment, materials and services well ahead of time. Careful planning enables the use of alternative resources should any of these resources prove be to be difficult to obtain.

Publicising the event is also important, and will encourage attendance. Even a visually pleasing pamphlet or leaflet to promote the event will go a long way to encourage people to attend. Publicising should begin well in advance of the event, as that will give people the opportunity to attend by planning their lives around the event. Creating publicity well ahead of time will allow:

  • Marketing to be effective with a good ‘lead in time’
  • Advertising to be booked well in advance i.e. advertisers sell space many months before publication.
  • People traveling from other cities or regions to organise their commitments and plan for accommodation, transport or any other needs with ample time.


There are lots of reasons why you should complete the course with us, here are a few:

  • Having in depth knowledge of multiple areas with events will give you many more opportunities to explore the sector and find the path for you
  • Weddings are amazing events to be a part of but also very complex, so the more knowledge you have before you need to manage one, the better
  • This course doesn't just cover how to develop an event, but how to manage it, making sure that you have the skills to take it from the enquiry stage, to delivery
  • Developing transferable skills within the events industry will help you to enhance your career, and provide you with the flexibility to switch things around when needed
  • As a course which is designed to be studied flexibly, you can continue with your career whilst also getting your education
  • Throughout the course you will be supported by subject specialist tutors who are eagerly awaiting any questions to impart their industry knowledge


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course, or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors.They will be pleased to help you! 

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